In my ignorant, one sided opinion, guns like the model 92 are just insanely complicated. It has a safety/decocker, and 2 trigger pulls. If you rack the slide during a reload the same way you would do with any other pistol, you can flip the safety back on accidentally.
On the plus side, magazines and holsters and such are plentyful since it's what the military uses, and it does have a low bore axis. And of course like the vast majority of modern auto pistols, it is reliable.
As far as I am concerned though, the only type of pistols I will carry are striker fired guns, either a glock or maybe a M&P. If you absolutely need a manual safety there are M&Ps with them, and there's always 1911s.
And I will say that well respected instructors, and others with lots of experience using pistols to defend themselves, who can choose anything they want in private life, or are authorized to carry what ever they choose within limits, generally choose either a glock, or a 1911. What both designs have in common is they have one trigger pull, and are very simple to fire.