Author Topic: Infantry Critical Task's.  (Read 1387 times)

Offline Reaver

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Infantry Critical Task's.
« on: April 05, 2012, 09:40:39 AM »
Alright guys, I realized that my latest entry's haven't drawn that much attention. So I decided that I would consolidate in hopes that it might be stickied. I feel that this is just as important as beans, bullets, bandaids. Knowledge on how to attack, defend, or when the time comes runaway.
Is priceless.

Consider this my revised Contest entry BTW  :))

I would like to start this thread off by listing a few acronyms that I will be using.
VOA Violence of action. Action on contact, how much force you use on your enemy.
LOA Limit of advance. How far a team will go during an engagement.
KZ   Kill Zone. The hot box, where everyone is looking and shooting into or out of.( For your sake I will hope N2)
OPORD Operation Order, a fully laid out plan on the mission you are about to go into.
HVT High Value Target, Anything of high value. Capturee's, Heavy weapons, Snipers, Guards.

To Start Critical Task of an Ambush

1. Recon the objective ( Killzone--Where the fuck your going to slay the enemy--- )

2. Emplace security elements

3. Emplace support elements

4. Emplace assault elements

5. Security notifies the PL ( Leader of the ambush ) that the enemy is in route to the KZ ( Kill Zone )

6. PL Initiates the Ambush ( Leader says engage )

7. Support shifts/lifts fire

8. Assault elements assault the enemy in the KZ

9. Establish LOA

10. Consolidate Reorganize

11. Reposition as required

12. Search KZ

13. Treat Wounded

14. Assault withdraws

15. Support withdraws

16. Security withdraws

Game over.


L shaped Ambush

Base of fire elements initiate the attack.  Short end of the L ( Support/DM )
At this time the attention of the enemy is projected down the road.
Attacking elements ( Far side of the L ) Engage the enemy immediately after the first shots are fired. When fire superiority is gained.
Attacking elements give the signal to shift/Lift fire. Pick up your shit and push through the  objective. VOA is key. Eliminate  the threat's reach your LOA turn and secure the Killzone.



Salute Report.






Exactly like that. Leave a few spaces and just fill in the fucking blank gentlemen. Extremely simple yet Extremely effective. If you already have it on paper you can't fuck it up.


Conducting a Raid

Set up security element on all sides of your target. In this case a Comms tower. In our line of work.
A raiders camp.

Set up security elements on all sides of your target. In all reality the Far West Security element should be pushed across the road as to not get hit by the assaulting elements.

Support set up in South of the target  your LOA  will be the road. As assault element LOA man is 5 meters from the road.  All of this should be discussed in your (OPORD )

Attackers set up to the East
Attackers YOU initiate the attack. Initiate the attack with a signal or radio comms. Support will engage from a supported position to get the best accuracy from your heavy weapons.
DM should be on the support side eliminating all HVT's

Support element should be engaged long enough to completely draw the attention of said target.
When it is clear the enemy is distracted the flanking element Initiate the second signal. This signal tells the Support elements to shift/lift fire When support has shifted/lifted fire. The attackers push through the objective using at much VOA  as possible slaying everything in the zone. Reach your LOA and stop.

Support Pick your ass up and push through the objective. When all elements have reached their LOA Turn and come back through the objective. Clearing unclear sections and policing up everything that is needed.

Security elements it is key that you do your Job Pull security. If an element comes strolling up at this time both support and attack elements are in a key state for vulnerability.


Break Contact

This is crucial to the prepper and doomsday philosopher.
If you get shot at, drop shoot back and run. But if not done properly you can find your self in a hornets nest of confusion and people will die.
Team one ( A ) drop and engage.
Team two ( B ) Drop and engage.
Team one leader gives signal for break contact ( usually yelling and screaming )
Team two picks its ass up. Retreats  ( depending on terrain ) 25-75 meters. Drops and re-engages the enemy.
Team one picks its ass up. Retreats 25-50 meters BEHIND Team two. Drops and re-engages the enemy.

You should do this for 500 meters. Or to nearest land mark.
( On patrol you should pick out certain spots often mark it as rally point and continue mission )


React to ambush ( Push through the objective )

If you are too close, or feel you can win/turn the tide of the ambush. This is what you need.
The key is " Violence of Action " ( VOA )
You must strike true, strike fast, strike hard. No mercy No bullshit. Get the job done. You can think about it afterwords
Let your training takeover.

Remember this is situation dependent. A/B are my teams and its just an example. Team leaders choose your teams and call on them as the situation changes.
A/B drops engages the enemy with as much VOA as possible.
B shifts right 50 meters and pushes forward getting online with the enemy position. B engages the enemy.
A team shifts/lifts fire.
( stops shooting, lifts the fire above the enemies heads, or stops shooting all together and only engages when they have a clear shot on the enemy. )
B team charges through the enemy position using speed and VOA. ( Here is where it gets tricky ) As B team is pushing through the enemies ambush site. A team far man should be calling LOA as loud and as clear as he/she can.
When B team has reached the LOA they too call LOA then A team pushes through the ambush site as well. Far man on B calling LOA so A team knows where to stop.
 I call it
 " Covering the grid square "
If you notice what happened. The entire square section " Grid square " has been cover by people in your team. At the end of the firefight. The path you created should look like a sideways " L " everything in your path dead.
The 5 S's of Prisoner detention
Search - not just for weapons but for intelligence sources maps diaries etc
Segregate - officers from men, make it hard for them to develop a chain of command
Silence - so they can't get a story together
Safeguard - prisoners have value, they carry information
Speedy evacuation - the quicker you get them to the rear the more timely their intelligence will be

*Special thanks to Currahee to adding this one in. *


Any station this is net, any station this is net. Monster One Alpha Radio check over.

Offline NOLA556

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Re: Infantry Critical Task's.
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2012, 09:56:24 AM »
good stuff reaver.

dude if you've spent alot of time and effort into writing something and you want it to be stickied just send a request through PM. BCC the message to TG and all the mods.
Rome is burning, and Obama is playing the fiddle - GAP

Offline Reaver

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Re: Infantry Critical Task's.
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2012, 10:09:22 AM »
Roger that.
Any station this is net, any station this is net. Monster One Alpha Radio check over.

Offline EJR914

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Re: Infantry Critical Task's.
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2012, 01:39:13 PM »
Great thread.  I've always loved studying these tasks.  Slaying bodies, all day long.   [URL=

Offline Reaver

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Re: Infantry Critical Task's.
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2012, 04:44:01 AM »
Hoss just posted an awesome video. Thought I would refresh my old thread.

Grazing Fire VS Covering Fire VS Accurate Fire

Any station this is net, any station this is net. Monster One Alpha Radio check over.