Their "training" was crap and they looked like clowns to those of us that have firearms experience. That said they should not be taken lightly. This kind of stuff will help them to bring more of their kind together and any training they get will make them more dangerous. Last time I checked the totally under-trained and out classed Taliban and ISIS as well as Al Shabab have caused serious casualties against exceptionally well trained US warfighters. They seldom win an engagement but if you are one of the casualties they inflict did you win? The first mistake anyone can make is underestimating their opponent.
There are a number of us here that train actively, but from what I have seen a majority of the "til valhalla", "III%", "grunt life" crowd are absolute ass clowns when it comes to their gun handling, training. Just look at the firearms they love to post pics with. It is readily obvious they spend more time collecting, polishing, finger banging, posing with their guns while all dressed up than they do training. If I get into a conflict I have a small group that I trust but most of the guys I meet at the gun shop/ range/ gun show/ or see on line, I want to have nothing to do with. They would be more of a liability to me than a benefit. It is almost inversely proportional their actual skill to the amount of Tactical stuff they wear (shirts, hats, pants) and is especially true if they are dressed in multicam.
Do I take these Antifa clowns as a serious threat? No, but they need to be "respected" and paid attention to in-case that day comes when one of us needs to face them in an exchange of ideas that is more serious than yelling and pushing.
These types of videos demonstrate just how dangerous they are to themselves as well as others. If they keep posting this stuff and we see the same then great. Like almost any endeavor there will be learning and improvement in their training.....that improvement in level in how fast and widespread it is needs to be paid attention to.
That said, I would be fairly comfortable coming up against this group with a much smaller (2-3man) group of guys that train and are in the right mindset.
This is just my opinion, feel free to take apart.