Author Topic: Guns America - Prepping 1010 - Off Grid Lighting-Aladdin Lamps  (Read 776 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Guns America - Prepping 1010 - Off Grid Lighting-Aladdin Lamps
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2016, 08:37:52 AM »
We have a half dozen of these at the cabin. We used them exclusively for light up until 2013 when we got 120V at the cabin.

We went through ~10 mantles a year though as the mantle does break easily if you jar the mantle or touch it.

Taking care of the wick is important. Every timed I added kerosene I would use the tool that comes with each lamp to trim it. We went through about 3 wicks a year for our 6 lamps.

These lamps put out a white light = to about a 40 watt bulb and a lot of heat. So be careful where you place them.

We also bought 4 lamp hangers. We put the hangers up at strategic places around the cabin: Over the kitchen sink, next to the mirror in the bathroom, bedroom next to the bed, etc. They are handy and out of the way. Read and write by them with no issues. Heck I played editor/administrator at this and several other sites by them while up at the cabin for years.

If you are interested which Aladdin lamps we have and why I will share on another post.

One last thing. Turn the flame up on the lamp over a 10-15 minute period or they will flame up. Typically as the sun started to set we would light these lamps and leave them low until we needed them. By that time they will have warmed up and were OK to turn up.

« Last Edit: June 06, 2016, 09:01:59 AM by JohnyMac »
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Re: Guns America - Prepping 1010 - Off Grid Lighting-Aladdin Lamps
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2016, 02:29:29 PM »
We have a few of these and I picked up 20 Kerosene Storm lanterns that I have stored away.

That and a massive amount of church candles.

Think of it this way.

Since I cannot reasonably but firearms and ammo here in the UK.

I have more to spend on other stuff.