Thx DM!
I do not own a g-counter. I probably should.
Does anybody on UP own one? If so would you be willing to write up a review?
i own an ECOTEST
if you get this one, get the English version unless you are good with Ukrainian. I keep a printed out copy of a conversion chart from Sieverts to REM and a few environmental references so i don't have to find them if i need them.
it is cheap and nearly idiot proof - about $200USD.
it uses common batteries in most of its export variants.
can measure instant dose, total dose and max dose.
can measure Beta and Gamma - so its good for checking food and water as well as fallout and possible contamination from a hazmat spill or reactor leak.
it isn't a radiac survey meter but it is just fine for my needs. batteries in some of the survey meters cost more than this gizmo. if i need to test food or water or want to put it on my nightstand if there is a suspected threat or if i want to identify a dirtybomb contamination area - it will serve.
i have had this for a few years and since it is a Geiger tube type meter the sensitivity isn't bad. I check it a few times a year with a canned test source or potassium chloride -
AKA 'No Salt' from your local market. The readings have been uniform for several years and i haven't had to change the batteries yet.
for those that just want a 'green light/red light' solution try a diode breakdown dosimeter.
[url=][/url] is one example.
i'm not an expert with these but the specs see good and i haven't heard anything bad - dirt simple, when there is a problem it gets noisy
like a smoke detector for ionizing radiation.
one review;
for my money - they are about the same in cost - i went with the meter, it has more measurement options and better control over my measument technique.