Offline EJR914

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« on: February 02, 2012, 08:45:32 AM »
More good stuff from Nous Defions:


In the real-world of small-unit warfare, communications are absolutely critical to surviva and success. Whether it is organizing and conducting "combined" operations, with the subversive underground and/or other guerrilla force elements, coordinating re-supply from caches wth the auxiliary, or maintaining security of the guerrilla base with LP/OPs and roving security patrols, secure, effective communications networks must be developed and maintained.

While the relative merits and shortcomings of various radio communications devices, such as amateur radio/HAM, FRS/GMRS, and citizen's band/CB radio are discussed, ad nauseum, in various "survival" forums and blogs, this is, at best, a half-measure approach. While some elements ad patrols my carry a radio or radios, the very real danger of signals intercept must never be overlooked. Additionally, despite the LoS advantages facilitated by ridge-top or roof-top LP/OPs, ultimately, radio communications in alpine environments (and to a lesser extent, urban areas) tend to be extremely unreliable. This is most often due to three factors: terrain masking effects of ridges and timbered areas (and large buildings interrupting the LoS), the often unavoidable rough-handling electronic equipment receives under combat conditions, and the adverse weather conditions common in mountain regions.
The effectiveness of radio communications for the guerrilla force (and the resistance in general), ultimately will depend on the resourcefulness and ingenuity of communications personnel. The proper, effective use of expedient, directional antennae will be of value, as will maximizing the use of the afore-mentioned ridge-top LP/OPs as "relay stations," although the static interference of adverse weather will still have to be considered. The extreme and rapid changes in temperature normally encountered in alpine regions crate condensation problems, further exacerbating the problems, by increasing the difficulty in keeping radio sets and batteries dry.

While the technological difficulties iherent to the use of radios by the mountain guerrilla must be considered in the planning process, equal consideration should be given to the tactical issues involved. Considering the technological advances typically available to regime forces for electronic signals intercept, even brief use of radio communications should be minimized as much as humanly possible. The primary purpose of sending communications messages in the field is to transmit information to other elements. If intelligence information is to be useful, it myst be transmitted and delivered in time to be acted upon effectively. The inability to accomplish this requirement by any other communications means is the only justifiable reason for the guerrilla force to risk radio communications rather than more "primitive" methods. Operational planning should incorporate communications planning, including the useof freuently changing personnel and unit call-signs, pre-planned electronic communications windows, and (whenever possible/tactically feasible) pre-planned rendezvous/link-up points and times for courier-based message transmission.

Much more here:

Offline EJR914

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« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2012, 09:00:05 AM »
Also, Arctic Patriot asks a pertinent question:

Got Darknet?

Some conversations, however, should not happen here, on blogspot, or wordpress, or facebook, or clear email.

They should happen here,  in onionspace.

Link doesn't work for you?  Go here to learn why, and how to make it work.

For those of you who are darknet enabled, consider spreading the tools that will help others participate.

Some conversations, many of them, should take place between your mouth and the recipient's ear, with nothing in between.

Finally, some conversations should never leave the inside of your head.

As if you needed reasons to take your communications dark...


Offline Kentactic

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« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2012, 12:45:33 PM »
Yeah i had another cool idea for those who cant afford fancy radios or dosent want to rely on electronics due to terrain or what ever... i think me and my group are going to start paracticing communicating with animal calls... more then likely the best one to use in my area would be a coyote call.. you can carry one call to make all sorts of different coyote sounds.. just memorize what howls and barks mean what. the call can be heard over great distances and you may even be able to lure in your hungry enemy to see where them damn coyotes are at.

and somehting like a quail call can be used for quieter needs. 

i swear i made a thread on this already but i cant find it so maybe i dreamed that i did.
Simplicity Is Ideal...

Offline EJR914

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« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2012, 12:56:25 PM »
Great idea Ken.

I've often used the "Bob White" quail call for communicating with my father when things get hairy.  It worked very well.