I was reading an article about "Nuclear Go Bag" and one paragraph stood out. It gave the dosages of potassium iodide for newborn's to adult.
What impressed me the most was people over 40 need not take it because they have the lowest chance of developing thyroid cancer.
This is double good news for me because I'm over 40 but most of all I'm very allergic to Iodine and shell fish.
Potassium Iodide tablets to help protect your thyroid from radiation damage. This packet of 14 tablets covers the 130 mg recommended dosage. This will protect the thyroid for 24 hours, and usually, this is all that’s needed.Dosage: (take as soon as radiation is detected or suspected)
Babies, newborn to 1 month 16 mg, one dose only
Babies between 1 month and 3years 32 mg
Children between 3 and 18 65 mg
Children weighing more than 150 pounds 130 mg
Adults between 18-40 130 mg
Pregnant & breastfeeding women 130 mg, one dose onlyAdults over 40 should not take KI since they have the lowest chance of developing thyroid cancer and are more likely to have allergic reactions.If your radiation detector indicates continued exposure, children and adults should take an additional dose. Do NOT give additional doses to newborns or pregnant and breastfeeding women.