Final Special Forces Training - Battle of Pineland
Rick Thompson, playing the role of a Pineland guerrilla chief, walks back to his camp in the woods near Mt. Pleasant, during Robin Sage, the final exercise in the Army's Special Forces training course. During the intense two-week exercise, Thompson transforms from a retired soldier to a guerrilla commander waging a desperate campaign for Pineland's freedom against the oppressive forces of the United Provinces of Atlantica. Using actual missions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Colombia, it’s the most authentic - and unconventional - warfare exercises in the world. But the key to the exercise is the Pinelanders, who like Thompson, bring the fictional country to life for the students.
Every October in Central North Carolina a group of North Carolina citizens participate in an exercise to help future Army U.S. Special Forces students, out of Ford Bragg. The operation is called,
Robin Sage — The final exam for U.S. Army special forces candidates from nearby Fort Bragg. NC Scout from Brushbeater has participated in these exercises in the past, acting as a Guerilla fighter.
The article is written by Kevin Maurer and is titled,
Patriots of Pineland. well worth your time to read.
Remember, if you are not constantly training, you will lose.