Author Topic: Federal jury finds Navy SEAL guilty in weapons conspiracy trial in Las Vegas  (Read 1919 times)


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LAS VEGAS ? An active-duty Navy SEAL was found guilty Friday in Nevada on 13 federal charges alleging he headed a scheme to sell machine guns, explosives and military hardware from Iraq and Afghanistan in the United States.


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So the government can do it, but they can't let a citizen do it. Guess it's because they don't get any money going to their pockets...

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good find.  [URL=
Any station this is net, any station this is net. Monster One Alpha Radio check over.

Offline RS762

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Lol whenever a three letter agency gets caught doing this it's "business as usual"


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The government probably took the weapons and sold them for there own profit....... [url= 

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There was no fingerprint evidence, no DNA evidence,? he said. ?The bulk of the prosecution case was based on testimony and facts founded upon statements of drug users, convicted felons, drug addicts and arms smugglers.

Sounds hinkie to me..


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ON one hand?
« Reply #6 on: October 13, 2011, 03:31:48 AM »
Helo all, RON L here!

On one hand, I sort of agree with many here about it being wrong to Prosecute the Seal in Question for the sale and Transfer of The Items in question in violation of federal law, One has to also consider that NO MATTER WHO DOES IT, IT'S STILLl WRONG? I worked with and have the upmost of respect for SEAL and many SW warriors, if he DID THIS, HE WAS WRONG??? No one seems to be thinking that way and I wonder why? It's easy to lose site of Right and wrong when emotions are involved but thats is the simple truth? I will be intersted in seeing the evidence and how they proved he did and not lay judgement one way or the other til we see that? Might have been a SET UP< he Might have been Framed, OR HE MIGHT HAVE DONE IT????