Author Topic: Did some training/testing yesterday w/ Handguns and AR..  (Read 626 times)

Offline Erick

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Did some training/testing yesterday w/ Handguns and AR..
« on: January 28, 2018, 10:13:30 PM »
So yesterday I stopped by a buddies place to shoot.

I had three training objectives:

- Catch up on some handgun shooting w/ my fullsize handgun as I had not shot any in 6 weeks (very unusual for me)
- Practice and deepening my conceal carry draw via live fire conceal draw exercises.
- Test one of my AR15s, a cacherifle, I hadnt shot in a long time. More specifically I wanted to test if on this particular rifle the addition of a RedX firing pin was a sufficent modification by itself to allow the shooting of the too-hard-primer batch of Summer 2017 of Golden Tiger 56 gr (no typo) FMJBT Ammo. I think I wrote about this elsewhere on here. In any event now that I switched to these firing pins
I no longer had to back up the firing pin with a XP Wolff Hammer spring. But its important for me to regularize exercise and test all my cache rifles and in this case I additionally wanted to check if the rifle in this configuration was 100% with that ammo.


- I met all my training objectives
- The AR did not need rezero which was impressive for having being dormant for 1.5 years (AimPoint PRO) in cache. It did need a new battery though which I installed the day prior.
- As expected the AR did function 100% in this combination of Ammo and configuration.

The Good:

- I was pleasantly surprised how much I had still retained from my 4 hr Conceal Carry Clinic 6 weeks ago. My very first conceal carry draw and then 2 rounds on target were satisfyingly very quick and surprised myself (as well as my 2 buddies who were there and who exclaimed on this)
- My full size handgun skill was still good also.

The Bad:

- I did not fire as much as I would have liked. My Buddy brought his wife with him and that of course needed a lot of extra instruction time.
My buddy at whose property this was also needed a lot of help with his firing stance and handgun grip.. So I morphed from trainee into Instructor mode to help him and his wife.
I didnt mind this.. but it did lower my round count for the day by quite a bit.In the end I think I only shot a maximum of maybe 150 rds 9mm and 150 rds .223
Every day, men who will follow orders to kill you, exercise. Do you?

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Did some training/testing yesterday w/ Handguns and AR..
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2018, 10:55:48 AM »
Cooool! Any range time is good.
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