they're just trying to discourage people from carrying or even having any desire to protect themselves. all they're doing is using defeatist logic to persuade people that they'll always suck with a gun, so just let the "professiono's" like the idiot with the "glock 40" handle things.
here's a short list of obvious flaws:
-intentionally picking people for the experiment who have no clue what they're doing [img]
-CCW under a long t-shirt [img]
-rigged scenario where (as others have stated) the aggressor already knows who go for
-garbage defeatist logic. the intent of this hit piece was determined in the very beginning. you go into with a negative outlook on CCW and even guns in general.
-the guy they touted as the "most experienced" seemed like all he's ever done is plinked at the range. so now the viewer is convinced that even the "experienced gun enthusiast" is a miserable failure.
-they subconciously convince the viewer that they'll never be able to practice enough to become proficient, so just don't bother.
the anti-gun bias of this video is so obvious that it'd bite you if it were a snake. and that, in tern, destroys the credibility of the so-called "experiment" because it defies the scientific method of conducting experiments. you can't go into an experiment and rig it so you can get the results you want. any logical person can understand that, but alas, logic is an unpopular thing these days.