Author Topic: Chinese Virus Renters Moratorium To End March 31, 2021  (Read 801 times)

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Chinese Virus Renters Moratorium To End March 31, 2021
« on: February 27, 2021, 11:17:51 AM »
Chinese Virus Renters Moratorium To End March 31, 2021

Many UnchainedPreppers followers may not be aware that evictions for renters who are in arrears has been on hold since the first Covid19 Relief package in April of 2020. In September of 2020, the eviction moratorium was extended to March 31, 2021. Just 32-days away.

The CDC in September 2020 took it upon themselves to extend the eviction of renters till March 31, 2021 in the Temporary Halt in Residential Evictions To Prevent the Further Spread of COVID-19 policy issuance.

This past Thursday a Federal Judge ruled in a 21-page Opinion and Order that the CDC's eviction moratorium was illegal.

Judge J. CAMPBELL BARKER ruling starts out,

This lawsuit presents the question whether the federal government has authority to order property owners not to
evict specified tenants. Plaintiffs argue that this authority is not among the limited powers granted to the federal government in Article I of the Constitution, and thus the decision whether to enact an eviction moratorium rests with a given State. Disagreeing, the federal government argues that a nationwide eviction moratorium is within Article I’s grant of
federal authority to regulate commerce among the States.

Keep in mind the CDC's moratorium does not release a renter from paying their rent only delays it. Yes, the renter will still have to pay to the landlord any owed moneys or risk being evicted and taken to court for the moneys owed.

I bring this up only to point out a large potential risk to the members of UnchainedPreppers; Specifically, when this moratorium finally ends (Or will it) there could be potentially hordes of folks being dumped out onto the streets of urban and rural America. Adding to that drama, think of the folks who declare bankruptcy in lieu of fighting in the courts against landlords trying to recoup lost funds from tenants. Yupper, 2008-09 all over again but on steroids.

One last thought. Under what part (s) of the US Constitution does the Federal Government, have the legal right declaring a segment of the business population cannot ask for a fee for their services? If 'they' can do it to landlords, why can't they do it for let's say, farmers or ranchers? How about the business you own or work for?

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