Author Topic: Backgrounder On First Aid And Blow-Out Kits  (Read 922 times)

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Backgrounder On First Aid And Blow-Out Kits
« on: April 12, 2012, 10:43:22 PM »
Please read all of it:

...For the Irregular Forces about to participate in Unconventional Warfare, there are many great choices  for individual trauma treatment kits in the $50 to $150 range that offer serious treatments for the kind of injuries you should be anticipating.  These range from a stripped down ?Blow-Out Kit? to bigger, customized kits loaded up for almost anything....

...Choosing an iFAK kit isn?t complete without considering the iFAK Bag.  If you?re anticipating eventual  ?buddy aid?, several models, including some made by ITS Tactical, Spec Ops, and Maxpedition, have a red nylon tab that makes identification of your iFAK bag quick and simple.  Your buddy will use your bag to treat you, not his.  The faster he can find it, the faster your sucking chest wound will get patched up.  Your buddy will call you highly derogatory names, while you?re passing out from shock, if he has to go thru all your pouches to find the one that holds your H&H Bolin Chest Seal and decompression needle....