Went to a gun show a couple weeks back and got a Mossberg 802 bolt action 22 with a camo stock, single mag and 4x Bushnell (fairly cheapo) scope.
Took it to the range today first firing of it. Shooting from a wobbly bench with a rifle I didn't know, I was getting 2" groups at 50 yards and the same at 100. But the 50 yard groups were spot on target and aim point but the 100 yard groups were 6-7 inches low.
Same bench, same ammo, same everything. But that far low with no touch to scope dials.
WTH is going on with this.
Also the mag is loose in the well and needs to be in the right position. It cannot get moved over or too much hand on it or any such. It jams more than about any other rifle I have.
I am beginning to think this is selling material. But I really want a good 22 bolt action.