Author Topic: "Gun Safety" Statutes Coming Your Way  (Read 775 times)

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"Gun Safety" Statutes Coming Your Way
« on: October 09, 2017, 08:32:06 AM »
I ran across this article written by James Rawles about the up and coming "Gun Safety" statutes coming down the pike. Worth some thought on all of our parts.

The Legislative Entrepreneur: Investing in Some Key AR Parts By James Rawles of Survival Blog

"The recent terrorist attack in Las Vegas is spurring Federal lawmakers to introduce new legislation. These laws would ban any device or combination of parts that can “accelerate” the rate of fire of a semi-automatic firearm. This includes bumpfire stocks, bump triggers, “Hellfire” gadget triggers, binary triggers, light match grade triggers, and 3 mode triggers. Sadly, the U.S. National Rifle Association (NRA) gave up on this issue without a fight less than a week after the tragic massacre.  This means that there is now a strong likelihood that some legislation will be passed within a month. Once passed, I suspect that it will be signed by President Trump and possibly go into effect on or before January 1st, 2018. The clock is ticking, folks!

In my blog writings, I’ve often mentioned the futility of  so-called “gun control” legislation.  In a country like the United States, with more guns in circulation than there are adult Citizens, enforcing gun laws is a Fool’s Errand.  Liberals are now in the habit of calling gun control laws “Gun Safety laws”, which is disingenuous. They don’t want safety. They want disarmed peasants. I refer to these laws as “civilian disarmament” laws. Because in essence that is what they truly are: An attempt to rob the citizenry of their God-given right to keep and bear arms.

I’ve also gone on record for my opposition to all government mandated “bans” and “freezes” as well as any attempts at wage and price controls. History has repeatedly shown that legislated or dictated bans and freezes don’t work.

A Speculative Gamble
Are you a gun owner that is in the mood to take a speculative gamble? If so, you might consider investing in a few fast firing AR-15 triggers. What I’m recommending are two types: binary triggers and “3 mode” triggers. Why? Federal lawmakers are preparing legislation that would ban any device or combination of parts that can “accelerate” a semi-automatic firearm. (That  is, faster than a standard trigger, but not truly full automatic fire.) Unlike bump fire stocks and “Hellfire” style triggers, which are inherently inaccurate,  modern 3 mode and binary triggers are actually quite practical and relatively accurate to use.

Here is where the “gamble” comes in: Senator Feinstein’s current bill (that might soon come before the Senate) is an outright ban, with no Grandfather Clause. If passed and signed into law in its current form, it would wipe out any possible gains. In fact it could cause you you to lose all of your investment. (By law, they would have to be turned in for destruction!) However, given the history of American jurisprudence, the final wording of the law before passage will probably be supplemented with a Grandfather Clause.  This would allow then-current owners to keep or re-sell their “banned” gun parts.  If that happens, you might earn an overnight 100% or even 200% profit. A precedent for this is the 1994 to 2004 Federal ban on so-called “assault weapons” and on magazines over 10 round capacity. During the 10 years of that ban, some gun and magazine owners made handsome profits.

There is also the possibility that there will be no new ban legislation enacted. If that happens, you might only break even when re-selling your extra AR parts.

Binary Triggers and 3 Mode Triggers
My current favorite parts for this investment would be either be a FosTech Echo AR-II trigger (an ATF approved binary trigger) or a Tac-Con 3MR trigger (also ATF approved, with an AR-10 variant available.) seems have a good price on FosTech Echo triggers, although they are currently back-ordered for several weeks. And I just heard that Ready Made Resources has more than 50 3MR triggers on order and arriving soon.

To explain the difference: Both types of triggers utilize the third selector switch position originally used on M16 rifles, on your AR-15 or M4gery. But here is how they differ:

With a binary trigger, that third position gives you a trigger that fires once on the pull of the trigger, and once again on the release of the trigger. (The Federal definition of a “machinegun” is a firearm that fires more than once with “each function of the trigger.”  And for FosTech, the ATF ruled that the pull and the release of the trigger constitute two separate functions of a trigger. Nice.)
With a 3MR trigger, the third position gives you an extremely crisp, light, short-stroke trigger pull with a very light and quick reset. With either of these the cyclic rate is around 500 rounds per minute–in the hands of an experienced shooter.
I’ve done business with both of the companies mentioned, for many years.  And Ready Made Resources has been a SurvivalBlog advertiser since 2005. I highly recommend both companies.

By the way, even though they are very well made, I presently don’t recommend buying the Franklin Armory BFS-III binary trigger. This is because there has reportedly been a delay in them  getting an ATF approval letter. (Which is strange, since they are functionally identical to the FosTech Echo trigger.)

What About Full Capacity Magazines?
There is also a risk of Congress again banning so-called “high capacity” magazines.  I refer to these more accurately as “full capacity magazines.”  (Anything else is a “limited capacity magazine.”) Presently, I don’t believe that Congress has the political will to  ban magazines that can hold more that 10 cartridges, as they did back in 1994.  But they might ban magazines with more than 30 round capacity.  Therefore, it might be wise to stock up on some 40, 60, and 100 round magazines.  For these, the brands that I recommend the 40 round capacity MagPul Industries PMAG, the 60 round capacity MagPul Industries PMAG D-60 Drum, and the 100 round Beta Company C-MAG.  The latter is configured as a double snail drum. Three good sources of magazines are (a current SurvivalBlog advertiser), (a former SurvivalBlog advertiser), and Midway USA. All three these are very reputable firms with good prices and proven customer service.

Yes, It is a Gamble
In closing, I’d like to remind readers that this tangible investing strategy is a bit of a gamble. No man’s life, liberty, or property is safe when Congress is in session.  I do not advise this investment to timid investors, nor to widows and orphans. Rather, it is an investment  for someone who won’t be badly hurt if they lose it all.

Oh, and Caveat emptor." – JWR

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Offline Erick

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Re: "Gun Safety" Statutes Coming Your Way
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2017, 11:18:44 AM »
I been looking for a Fostech EchoII
Now that JWR has written this, it will be ever so more difficult to find one.

I do own a Tac-Con 3MR, and it currently sits in my spare parts bin back in original packaging.

-It does exactly what it says it does.
-The Semi auto setting shoot super smooth

-The selector switch feels spongy so I have to spend extra effort to control my thumb going from "Safe" to "Semi" if I dont want to over shoot. Maybe a stiffer spring in the pistol grip could solve this or "roughing up" some of he slippery coating where it meets the "catch" coming out of the pistol grip.. because the coating on the trigger is real smooth.
Since I take  a lot of training courses where you transition from Safe to Semi and back again a lot, this makes it less practical for me.
-For most it takes some practice getting the strings of fire right.. by holding the trigger "just so".
« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 11:43:31 AM by Erick »
Every day, men who will follow orders to kill you, exercise. Do you?