The new girl is kind of a fitness buff, so we eat a lot of brown rice and let me tell you that stuff gets spendy when you buying it by the pound!
So the girl doesn't know my back story, doesn't really know much except that I carry a gun, can fix anything always seem to have what she needs.. Ibuprofen, band aids, watch cap, batteries, jacket, water and that kind of basic stuff right?
So we are at the grocery store and the first spot she hits is the brown rice, precut frozen vedge and chicken thighs.. and I'm all 'nope.. put that shit back we're going to the restaurant supply house.'
We bought a gallon jar of picked hot Italian vedge, 50lbs of brown rice, a gallon of peanut butter, 5lbs of frozen mixed berrys, 40lbs of hand deboned thighs and 5lbs of walnuts for like $80..
while we were waiting in line she looks up at me and says 'can we prepare for the end of the world?' All I could think to say is 'we?'