Man and his wife go to a farm show, like every year. But this year they decide to tour the barn with the breeding bulls. Halfway through they run into the aisle with the bulls from the Angus and Holsteins. They get to the section for the natural breeders. Not the glass tube breeders.
As they are going they find the notations on the signs that indicate the successful attempts each has had over the prior year. They see one that says 50 times in the past year. She looks at him with a grin.
A bit further they see one noted 200 times in the past year. She nudges him with her elbow and nods toward it.
Further they see one marked 365. She nudges him with her elbow and whispers, that would be nice. Him, being slightly embarrassed mentions to her, keep in mind it was not always the the same cow.
After 3 weeks in intensive care he is expected to survive.
the last line could be
And that your honor is how I nearly killed him.
when you tell your friends