Wellie, do you consider me a "clinger" or "deploarable?" Yet although I am NOT a Trump supporter I do agree on most of his platform. Here are some things I agree with him on:
> I am against abortion up to minutes from birth,
> Whether using a physical or virtual wall, I do believe sealing the borders,
- I do believe on deporting anybody here illegally,
> I think that the Afordable Care Act needs to be repealed and replaced,
> I am a stanch supporter of ALL of the origional 10 Amendments to the Bill of Rights,
> I believe SCOTUS needs to decide on motions before it, if something is Constitutional not make law,
> I think that Mrs. Clinton is in "it" to enrich herself and to do so she lies,
> I believe until a immigrant, from France, Syria, Russia, China, etc can be 100% vetted they should be denied
any entry to this country as a immigrant,
> Et cetera.
Me, I like the message, I just do not like the messenger.
So back to my original question: Wellie, "do you consider me a "clinger" or "deploarable?" And if so "why?"
I hope that all folks here can understand my questions. It is not in the spirit Unchainedpreppers.com to broad brush a large section of American citizens whether they be Clinton, Johnson, Stein or Trump supporters.