Author Topic: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian  (Read 3151 times)

Offline swampfox

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dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« on: July 30, 2012, 04:53:27 PM »
here is a senero i saw on another forum and thought it was kind of funny but also could be a senearo we all could face in this

type of situation where a person who should be a Indian and not a chief wants to become the head honcho and is not in your

best interest if sed person obtains leadership.

"Ok its been 3 days with the grid shut down, no water, no fuel, no commo except talking to people over walkie talkies, CB

radios in vehicles etc. You are in your home; with or without family, & Bob down the street shows up in his pick up truck, his

son riding shot gun, his brother and 2 nephews in the back. All 5 armed with AK47s, wearing BDUs and tactical gear. Screaming

about SHTF & WROL and how the community needs to get organized...

Bob has a plan to secure the "AO with OPs & re-establish order" since the event there was one B&E and the home owner

shot burglar with a 12 gauge, no other crimes have occurred & your drinking beer & grilling burgers with another neighbor

before the meat goes bad.

Bob is on disability, fat, lazy & a know it all bully...

Bob's brother is a Supermarket security guard with "tactical training" who reads old Army FMs.

All three of the boys are untrained labor (stock boys and bag boys in the supermarket which has been picked dry in the mad

rush to last minute prep after the event) who are lazy, like smoke pot, get drunk and chance girls...

So what do you do?"


Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2012, 05:31:14 PM »
let them try to play call of duty, the more you can get them to run off and risk their lives the more they will thin out or shape up
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Offline Kobalt

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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2012, 05:34:13 PM »
Being a younger prepper I would not have much say in the situation. But I would try to create some discipline in the boys, And properly train them. Think emergency Rotc. The leaders of of the group can handle Bob. 
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2012, 06:01:46 PM »
I'm with Mtn on this one. (with the exception of coercing them to risk their lives).

I'd say just tell them that you're not interested, and you'll look out for your own. If they really are as incompetent as the story describes, then it won't be long before they either get themselves killed, or figure out that they're not cut-out for it.

IMO, the WORST thing you could do is challenge them. You'd be setting yourself up for a conflict that isn't necessary. (at least not at that moment)

Just decline their offer, keep to yourself, maybe tighten your own security (in case you have to defend against your own "community leaders"), and bide your time. They'll eventually bring on their own ruin and you won't have to put yourself at risk by challenging their "authority".
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2012, 06:47:10 PM »
How did they get to be able to talk to me in the first place? am i sittin on the porch like its a lovely sunday or something? I fucked up and deserve what ever comes next.
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Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #5 on: July 30, 2012, 06:49:43 PM »
I'm with Mtn on this one. (with the exception of coercing them to risk their lives).

I'd say just tell them that you're not interested, and you'll look out for your own. If they really are as incompetent as the story describes, then it won't be long before they either get themselves killed, or figure out that they're not cut-out for it.

IMO, the WORST thing you could do is challenge them. You'd be setting yourself up for a conflict that isn't necessary. (at least not at that moment)

Just decline their offer, keep to yourself, maybe tighten your own security (in case you have to defend against your own "community leaders"), and bide your time. They'll eventually bring on their own ruin and you won't have to put yourself at risk by challenging their "authority".

if they want to do perimeter security and shit let em bro,
worst case scenario they get wiped out but slow down the shooters enough for you to bug out or set up an ambush
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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2012, 07:43:50 PM »
 So in this hypothetical scenario we have determined that Bob is pretty much the "community asshole".  The problem I see with letting the neighborhood loose cannon run wild is. 1.) If he is indeed as big an asshole as I picture him to be, and hes planning on trying to organize the community, the type that will hook up with him probably wont be much better. So now instead of Bob and his merry band of four misfits he now has how many unsavory underlings roving the country side with him.
  I think I would at least probe the fat bastard a little, pun intended, see exactly how far he is willing to go. I dont want Bob thinking hes going to be judge ,jury, and executioner.
 2.) If Bob does run said security and gets into the shit, what kind of trouble might he bring back onto your community.

 On the other hand in this scenario I ve been drinking and grillin with a neighbor, not to mention Bob borrowed some tools form me that he never returned, I might just wait till he leaves, go to his house, put a sign in his yard that reads" COMMUNITY ASSHOLE IS ON PATROL, NOBODY HOME, MI CASA ES SU CASA". Bob probably wouldnt be goin on patrol much after that.

Offline NOLA556

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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2012, 08:09:02 PM »
you know, on second thought, and after reading other responses, I may have changed my mind.

If you do challenge Bob's "authority", then just make damn sure that you have a fail-proof plan, and execute it properly. there's no use negotiating with an asshole.

now, on the other hand, you don't want to go murdering people, and the rest of the local community turns on you. this really is a fucking complicated situation.

honestly, I don't believe that there's any easy answer to this. It all depends on how well you know "Bob", and how well you can predict his moves, and whether or not the rest of the local community supports you vs. how many support Bob. As others have suggested, Bob may bring more harm to the community than good, therefore, it may be your duty to stand in his way. Like I said, complicated.

My final answer is that it's impossible to answer this scenario until you're actually in the middle of it. You should do what needs to be done depending on the situation at hand. That's really all that can be said. We all know right from wrong, so we should act accordingly when the time comes.
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Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #8 on: July 30, 2012, 08:29:48 PM »
you know, on second thought, and after reading other responses, I may have changed my mind.

If you do challenge Bob's "authority", then just make damn sure that you have a fail-proof plan, and execute it properly. there's no use negotiating with an asshole.

now, on the other hand, you don't want to go murdering people, and the rest of the local community turns on you. this really is a fucking complicated situation.

honestly, I don't believe that there's any easy answer to this. It all depends on how well you know "Bob", and how well you can predict his moves, and whether or not the rest of the local community supports you vs. how many support Bob. As others have suggested, Bob may bring more harm to the community than good, therefore, it may be your duty to stand in his way. Like I said, complicated.

My final answer is that it's impossible to answer this scenario until you're actually in the middle of it. You should do what needs to be done depending on the situation at hand. That's really all that can be said. We all know right from wrong, so we should act accordingly when the time comes.

just be the diplomat i know you could be

people respond to things the exact same way as kiddos do, just coax  the guy into what you want
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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #9 on: July 30, 2012, 09:58:50 PM »
In a situation as outlined, you really need to be out in front of this before Bob and herd get motivated enough to go full retard. All this ideally, is fairly sorted out before hand. Building community does not begin on the third day of SHTF/WROL.


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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2012, 03:15:55 AM »
How well do you know them? I ask because if they are as undisciplined as they sound, they make easy targets to take care of in a less conspicuous manner. Stay Frosty!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 03:23:25 AM by crestedgecko45 »


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Re: dealing with a Chief who should be an indian
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2012, 04:00:53 PM »
Use the community itself to keep them out of power by simply rebuilding the infrastructure and ensuring the welfare of the rest of the community. This can actually be very simple, some examples that come immediately to mind are making sure clean water is available and the community has everyone and any skills those individuals have listed and prioritized. If the community has both goals and a plan set in motion quickly it will be almost impossible for little tyrants to gain any traction except by force and that will usually end badly for them. Water is very high on the list in my mind as I have the material for several hand pumps just laying about in the form of pvc pipe, fittings and the ability to make them as well as the local advantage of everyone on well water already. Getting those with medical skills organized will not only win hearts and minds but gain respect and influence Bob couldn't hope to ever achieve. Setting up communication will help preserve the skill base of the community as well as protect it while earning a place for those who know not to beat chests but rather be an indispensable and valued member. Subtle and discrete carry of weapons is the order of the day. Full retard is for absolute chaos or an immediate serious threat. It will generate immediate assumptions about those brandishing excessive firepower, trust will take much longer to reestablish after looking like your going crusading or pillaging. I look at the preparations I make now as giving me the time to rebuild and help my community and therefor provide for my security in a more stable and desirable place and environment. A community has a power, standard of living, security and moral strength that few individuals or roving bands could hope to match. Taking the time to check and help others will give such weight to your opinions or suggestions as to completely neuter Bob and his twits influence.

There's a lot more to this but time and space...