Some of you folks may remember that my neighbor and I up at the cabin experimented this spring by planting an acre of wheat. Well unfortunately, not enough wheat came up to warrant the use of fuel to cut it. The decision was to release the cows, steers and goats into the field to eat and then fertilize 'said' wheat field in preparation for disking and then planting winter wheat. I am a little bummed as I didn't get to use my (new to me) sickle bar mower but....What ever it was an experiment...Right?
Well I just received a text from my partner in crime letting me know he opened up the wheat field to his critters and 'Ben the Bull' promptly took out the scare crow that was in the field. Well I am particularly bummed as the scare crows name was Barack. I texted back to my partner that it is quit obvious that he is raising racist critters and in no time the Secret Service will be showing up at his farm doing cavity searches.
His response was that he was debating approaching Ben to remove - What is left of Barack from his horns. This would probably involve a bucket of grain and a strong heart in which to do so.
I texted back reminding him of what Flagstaff said in Shakespeare's
Henry the Fourth, "The better part of valor is discretion, in the which better part I have sav'd my life." Which at the time of this writing he has not responded to my text; either due to being chased around the wheat field by Ben or not being a fan of Shakespeare.
Anyhow, I am glad that we are not there but back in RI as I am sure the O'drone that passes regularly above the cabin has recorded this Nugent-esk display; of a racist bull attacking our President, in effigy.
Let the strip searches begin!