Author Topic: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)  (Read 8120 times)


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This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« on: March 02, 2012, 04:25:55 PM »
More than gear review, general, and most of the other subject tabs. Don't be the dude that thinks because he has 400lbs of rice and 20k rnds of whatever means you don't have to know the basics of food and water procurement, means of making field expediant weapons and tools and what materials to make them with, how to make rope with medium to large game recyclables or plant fibers. 

Now for starters water procurement if one has no water around him there are mean of drawing it from nature, we'll start with the easy stuff.

Water from a bamboo or sugar cane: bend the stalk ground ward lash the tree about 3 sections from the top and stake it in place so that the stalk is in a large arc to the ground cut the top off the wound of the tree will bleed water for up to 3 days.

Water from a banana or plantain tree: cut the tree at the base about 8 inches from the ground, carve a bowl in the stump the bowl will continuously refill.discard the first two fils it will be unpalatable.
Water from the ground (building a still) dig a hole about 16 to 20" deep and about 3 feet in diameter place a container in the middle of the pit, run a drinking tube fromm the container to outside of the pit then cover the pit with if possible clear plastic but a poncho will work too.make sure the covering is an inverted cone by placing a rock in the middle, make sure the plastic is not touching the container and try to make the still as sealed as possible and cork the drinking tube when not using it so water doesn't maximize the amount of water that is produced add green non poisonous plants. This still can produce about 1 quart a day.

a still 4 a plant you will need a plastic bag or pancho and cordage get the bag on an airtight seal around a limb engulfing several smaller branches with plenty of leaves on them thai the cordage at the bottom corner of the bag or poncho make a hole where the cord is tied please container under said whole let water drip into container this message can be used for up to 5 days after removing the bag the tree will heal within a few hours so you can alternate different parts of the tree over a period of time. e

I will add making tools knives and procurement of food later I got kids to beat and feed.

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Re: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2012, 04:44:33 PM »
Really good post Crow.  Looking forward to the next.   :)

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Re: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2012, 05:08:53 PM »
God Damn Crow tear it up bro.  [URL=
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Re: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2012, 06:37:19 PM »
I know I said I was going to talk about food procurement next but I figured I would talk about making a field expedient weapons instead because in 5 minutes I went outside to cut the limb and made a club the particular club is called a weighted club.

weighted club: the materials needed for this are simple you need a limb (preferably dry not green) that will fit comfortably in your hand about as long as from the middle of your biceps to your fingertips find a some what flat rock place the rock on to this text and make sure you have about 2 inches above the rock on the stick now cut the stick where the bottom of the rock is halfway through and then split from there to the top of the stick now cut a groove just under where the rock is going to be and just above for the rock is going to be on the stick now lay your rock on the bed of the stick that you've made for it then start lashing it at the bottom of the rock and cross the rock from both sides and tie off at the top make sure all of the lashings are very tight.

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Re: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2012, 11:09:32 PM »
Nice post man. I like the bag trick. I've been wanting to do that as a science experiment with my son.
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Re: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2012, 12:17:04 AM »
Nice post man. I like the bag trick. I've been wanting to do that as a science experiment with my son.

You wanna make it ultra survival like, use a rinsed out animal stomach to collect and store the water just tie the bottom tightly and make sure you have something to synch the top with and you can be all the mountain you can be  :))

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Re: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2012, 09:55:42 AM »
Great series Crow, thanks.

I like the posse (Pictures) you role with!  [URL=
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Re: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2012, 07:16:47 PM »
Save as much of your prepped gear and supplies as possible heres a few ways to do so using plants.

Agave (desert plant) is has flowers and flower buds that are edible. These parts should be boiled first before consumption. It will cause a poison ivy effect in some folk. Other uses of the agave, cut the huge flower stalk and collect the juice for drinking. You can also pound the leaves to reveal the fibers that can be used for weaving and rope. Some species of this plant have a sharp point on the tip of the leaves that can be used as a sewing needle some species also have sap that can be suitable for soap.

Bamboo, young shoots of almost all species are edible raw or cooked (boiling it is preferred for flavor but not neccessary). The seeds of a flowering bamboo are also edible to prepare them boil the seeds like rice or smash them mix with water and make into cakes. Other uses: Mature bamboo is good for building structures or containers, eating utensils, tools weapons, even a good field expediant bow by layering slats of it and lashing them together. Fresh water can sometimes be found in dead stalks of bamboo.

Cattails: Young shoots are edible cooked or raw. The stalk of the plant is normally really tough but is a good source of starch pound the stalk to remove the starch mix it with water it can be used like flour. the young female part of the plant can be boiled and eaten like corn on the cob. Other uses: Dried leaves of the cattail are good for weaving if you're imaginative enough it can be used to make floats/rafts. The seeds are good for making pillow stuffing, also makes really good tinder. Burning dried cattails will also be a good way to keep insects away.

Coconut: The nut is a good food the milk is rich in sugar, vitamins, and liquids. The nut meat is also nutritious but more importantly full of oil. To preserve the meat lay strips out in the sun and let it dry COMPLETELY. Other uses: Coconut oil can be used to cook, protect metal from erosion, can be used against salt water sores, sunburn, and dry skin. Can be a good fuel for a torch. The tree trunk good for construction, sections of it can be good for food containers. The coconut husks can be good flotation devices and the fibers can be used to make rope and other weaved objects. To get coconut oil: Put the meat in the sun, heat it over a fire, or boil it in a pot of water.

Oak: All parts are edible but do have a really bitter taste, the white oak opposed to a red oak does taste better. The acorns being the easiest part to collect and eat this will be the part we talk about. Boil the acorns or grind them into flour and use the flour for baking. You can use flours that has been baked to a dark brown as a coffee substitute. (if using red oak acorns you may want to soak or a day or two to remove the bitterness this can be sped up by adding wood ash to the water they are soaking in.) Note: Tannic acid builds in all parts of the oak which is where the bitterness comes from if you're eating an excessive amount of acorns it can lead to kidney failure. Remove the bitterness before eating (BOIL THEM.)

Making tea with Tannic can stop diarriah just keep in mind NOT to ingest too much. Tannic is good for, Burns, antihemorrhagics, antihelminthics, antseptics, antidiarrheals, antifungals, bronchitis, skin infammation, and lice. Tannic acid can be found in most trees, the most can be found in hardwood trees, Oak specifically red and chestnut have the most. The warty looking knots on oaks can contain almost 30% tannic acid. To obtain it cut plugs or chips of the wood roughly the size of a baseball, boil it. The longer you boil it the more concentrated it will be, the longer you boil it the darker your concoction will become, also the darker it will be the more vile it will taste.

Stripping fibers from an oak can be used for rope.


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Re: This tab should be hit everyday (survival)
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2012, 09:23:36 PM »
There are hundreds more to list I just wanted to touch on the most useful and abundant if you know most of the greenery in your area look them up learn their uses if they are poisonous or not what can be made from them.