So I just recieved this a new product called Soylent that I will be reviewing over the next month.
Basically, Soylent is an all-in-one food that contains every known substance the human body needs to survive on. It started off as a kickstarter campaign made by a college student, and quickly gained a large following.
I received one months worth of the stuff. It comes sealed in pouches with each pouch containing roughly a day's worth of calories. You simply mix the Soylent with water in a 1:1 ratio along with the included bottle of oil. The oil is kept separate from the Soylent itself to preserve the shelf life of of the Soylent, which is itself a dry powder.
The packaging is high quality and very easy to use. Infact the entire company reminds me of Apple. They start by explaining the 'WHY' of their product whereas other companies would focus on the how. Everything about it is user friendly, simple, and minimalistic.
Here is an included paragraph that explains their mentality:
"The powder you know behold is more than meets the eye. This mix of mass, energy, and information is the staple food of the future, Refined, robust, and efficient. Soylent is food that works, And it would not be here if not for you.
You are a vital member of the network that transformed Soylent from information to matter, from idea to flesh. Your contribution and support make you an integral part of Soylent, the structures of which are soon to become an integral part of you.
Remember every sip of Soylent is a tiny gratuity toward producing food ephemerally, toward reducing health disparity, toward answering questions about our food and ourselves that have gone unanswered for too long.
If you are what you eat, you may now consider yourself healthy and practical.
Thank you for ordering, and do stay on touch."
-Rob Rhinehart CEO of Soylent.
Now about the taste............... not bad. It's a bit chalky but not unpleasant. A faint vanilla taste and a very mild taste in general. Much more pallet-able when it is cold.
I plan to start cold turkey tommorow eating nothing but Soylent for one week. After that, I may supplement my diet with normal foods, eating Soylent only for breakfast.