I belong to three MAG's (Mutual Assistance Groups). I asked my home group when we met two Sunday's ago, "how much food is enough?"
The good news was that every household had at least one year on hand. One had two-years on hand. Then I asked, "how much do you have on hand when family & friends show up?" Well everybody got real interested in their dinner plates and you could hear a pin drop.
With a possible new pandemic arising in China, which I wrote about yesterday titled,
Dr. Malone Reports New Pandemic Coming From China how much food do you thing is enough to have stored up for the dark times? Has anybody seen the empty shelves of late in the grocery stores?
This is an open honest discussion amongst all
Unchainedpreppers subscribers. What do you think?
A few thoughts before your respond.
1) Your children/family think you are nuts for prepping. The SHTF and guess what, they will be showing up at your door.
Sure you have boasted that you would not help them out because they have not done their part prepping. When they
come to your door, you will let them in.
2) Add to #1 from above, friends and neighbors? I defiantly want my neighbors to not go hungry. Failure help out will get
you dead.
3) Folks living in rural areas will have less of an issue with this next threat than suburbia or urban settings but...hungry
displaced peoples wandering the countryside looking for food. Heck in suburbia-land, your next meal is next door.
So, let's us put our heads together and come up with a consensus on - How much food is enough.
Let 'er rip!