Author Topic: New stuff (web page and vids) on food preps  (Read 2526 times)

Offline Currahee

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New stuff (web page and vids) on food preps
« on: July 12, 2013, 12:21:28 AM »
Added a new page on my web site.  I have long searched for a short introductory article on food storage- lots of stuff out there but it's often to specialized for the beginner and serves to intimidate.

It's not "live" yet so I would appreciate feedback.

Also while I was rotating canned goods I made a couple of new videos

Field food
field food

Canned goods
Food Storage Part 2 (canned goods)

and the vid I made last time I was adding bulk food
Storing Food Part 1 (bulk food storage in mylar)
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: New stuff (web page and vids) on food preps
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2013, 06:37:17 AM »
I only had time to watch the last vid. I will check out the others later.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being perfect I would rate it a "7". The vid would be an easy "8" if at the end you showed some sites that folks could acquire mylar bags and O2 absorbers. Also where they can buy bulk food, e.g. LDS Bishop house (Post LDS Bishop house site), restaurant supply houses like Sysco or Topas and large box retailers like Sams or BJ's.

For future vid's loose the gum. At times I was focused on your chewing not on what you were saying. Probably because I am hard of hearing (For you young folks wear ear protection) and tend to focus on peoples lips when they talk. My problem not most of America's problem though.

Now another idea as a follow-up to this vid is to film a short video on what to do with the food bucket you just packed, e.g. open it and cook the food over the heat source you will be using in a traveling SHTF scenario.

One last thing...I am always impressed with your desire to make these and other vid's for the common good of man. I applaud you and the folks who help you with your projects.

Thank you. :thumbsUp:

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Offline Currahee

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Re: New stuff (web page and vids) on food preps
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2013, 01:16:23 PM »
Thanks Johny that video is the oldest... I don't remember what I was thinking with the gum

And thanks for the ideas for future vids
Every citizen should be a soldier.  This was the case for the Greeks and Romans ans must be that of every free state. - T Jefferson


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Re: New stuff (web page and vids) on food preps
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2013, 12:53:47 AM »
I like your vids Currahee! Keep up the good work.  :thumbsUp: