Don't overlook bags of TRAIL MIX. Even though I'm old and have very few teeth left, I have a nice size bag of trail mix in my bugout bag. Yes, there also is an MRE in there along with about a dozen Slim Jims. Those Slim Jims will dry out over time and look like they are worthless but you can dice them up and put the pieces in other foods and they'll taste great. If push comes to shove, I can pound that Trail Mix into a mush that will taste great. Those dried Fruits, Nuts ,and Seeds will keep you alive and not constipate you like MRE's will. Do I have MRE's? Yes indeed I do. Those MRE's will be kept until last. There are two reasons for that. First, MRE's aren't the best tasting food I've ever eaten. Second. They definitely will constipate you even if you think you have put plenty of water in there. Mostly, the wife and I have a lot of non perishable foods like Canned Goods, Flour, Sugar, White Rice, Brown Rice, Dried Beans, Tea and Coffee. I know that when you get really hungry, just about anything tastes good but don't forget to stock up on Salt, Pepper, and Apple Cider Vinegar. I don't particularly care for rice because it taste like I'm eating nothing. However, I tried cooking some brown rice and I put a dash of Salt, Pepper and a cap full of Apple Cider Vinegar in it and the wife now thinks I'm the worlds greatest Chef. By the way, we are Bug Inner's also. Hauling ass with a big back pack is a last resort for us.