Author Topic: Lard ummmm good ol lard  (Read 1692 times)

Offline gapatriot

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Lard ummmm good ol lard
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:53:11 PM »
So my folks are into prepping (it was a long hard road to get them there and in the process they are now libertarians 8) ) any way most of yall know I have an almost unhealthy bacon love. Well they found a little rig at Walmart to save bacon grease (lard) it has a strainer on top to catch the bits and a lid to keep shit out. And its just the right size to put it on the coffee pot to melt it down to pour. So it got me to thinking because lard has an indefinite shelf life. Why bother with vegetable oils corn oils or olive oil? They all have limited shelf life and are, in comparison to a bucket of lard, expensive. Oh I know what everyone is going to say "its bad for you" so is sitting on your ass all day typing away at a computer. The fact of the matter is in a shtf situation you ain't gonna be sitting around and a heart attack is going to be the last thing on your mind. Think just 60 or 70 years ago all they had was butter and lard and still lived just as if not longer than we do today.and by the way you haven't had fried chicken until you have had fried chicken fried in lard!! The old timers knew this that's why your grandparents/great grandparents for some of the youngins always saved the fat from bacon.


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Re: Lard ummmm good ol lard
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 10:15:38 AM »
I still use butter, shortening and lard.  How do you even make cornbread without bacon grease  :facepalm:  How do you make biscuits or a pie crust worth a dam without shortening ? Yep and fried chicken in a well seasoned deep cast iron skillet with lard.  Oh, I forgot about the frozen food section.... :sarcasm:

A "treat" at grandma's in the summer was fresh watercress with chopped green onions and hot bacon gease or polksalet with a fresh egg and fried in bacon grease.

They all lived into their mid and late 80's. I believe you hit the nail on the head about the sedentary lifestyle that is so common today. They were up at 0400 doing chores and working the farm till 1900 everyday. I don't recall them ever sitting around until after supper on the porch.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Lard ummmm good ol lard
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 11:53:32 AM »
Since we are talking about grease and fat.....

1) I have a pint mason jar I keep just for bacon grease. I use bacon grease for a whole host of things like:

    > Fried potatoes
    > To brown a piece of chuck for a pot roast
    > German salad (3 tbsp. of melted bacon fat, 1 tbsp. water, 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar, 1/2 - 1 tsp
        sugar) mix with the hot bacon grease, pour over your salad toss and eat
    > Like brat, corn bread
    > Etcetera...

    Bacon grease does need to be refrigerated as it will go rancid if not

2) Olive oil will keep indefinitely if kept in a container that will not allow O2 to get to it. I read somewhere
    that anthropologists opened a tomb in Greece and there were a jar or two of olive oil and the oil was
    still palatable. 

    I often combine bacon grease and olive oil in equal parts to brown/ caramelize beef for pot roast.

3) Ghee is butter that the solids have been taken out of it. Ghee will last for years if you keep it in a
    sealed mason type jar. The easiest way to make Ghee is to put a couple of pounds of butter into a
    slow cooker and cook it under low temperature for 14 or so hours. The solids will fall to the bottom of
    the pot and spoon off the Ghee on top. Put in pint size jars let cool and seal. Once you open it you will
    have to refrigerate it.

In closing, like everything in life, do things in moderation. It's when you take something to excess is when you get yourself in trouble.  ;)
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