As I have reported on the ERIN, we are down to two hens - Both, Plymouth Barred Rocks. We lost five hens and one rooster this summer to weasels, chicken hawks, and racoons. Our neighbor lost all of their chickens, approximately fifteen. They think it was racoons which they have caught three and promptly dispatched. They also lost all of their new chicks (Completely gone with no trace) they bought a week ago. I think a snake got 'em.
Well my neighbors bought me five ISA Brown chicks yesterday.
I was stoked this morning that they were all ALIVE! My experience has been you always lose one in the transporting/transplanting process.
Here they are after breakfast this morning under the heat lamp.
I am calling around this morning for Plymouth Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Red chicks. I would like to raise the chicks all together as a new/one flock.
Later today, I will get the coup ready to move the chicks into it tomorrow. I have to rig up a chicken wire divider to keep the grown hens from the new chicks. Then run electric to the coup for the heat lamp. They will have the pleasure of the heat lamp for the next 3 to 4 weeks. Each week, I will move the lamp higher and higher to wean them off the lamp.