There is a lot of food out there cheaper to buy than to do yourself.
For example: There is a local farm stand called
Frog Pond that sells products from local farms. As a matter of fact that is where we get our bacon seed. Anyhow, their prices are so cheap that I wonder why I do a garden every year.
With that written I placate my evil thoughts by reminding myself that I am learning a BUNCH. Frog Pond will not be around if the SHTF.
One thing that is not cheaper is canned (Can or jar) is beef and chicken. Have you seen those prices? Anyhow, I do both in Qt jars. I buy items when on sale. Freeze them and when I get 7 Qts worth in the freezer I can it.
I got the idea for this from a former forum member who lived up near Fort Ticonderoga.