Author Topic: Frank and Fern: Some Good Thoughts  (Read 3020 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Frank and Fern: Some Good Thoughts
« on: October 23, 2014, 09:59:20 AM »
I am going to post the whole article released last year from Frank & Fern. I usually do not post whole articles however I think this one hits the nail on the head and I want people with minimal bandwidth to read it. First a small intro from me:

I pray daily to God asking him to share with me what he wants me to do next in my life. For what ever reason, he has not sent me an email, snail mail or dropped me a dime letting me know.

While waiting for his answer, I have decided to devote most of my time trying out skills that I haven't used in decades or never used. Some of the things that come to mind are: Carpentry, gardening, butchering, canning, gathering seeds from my harvest, growing critters, taking defensive/offensive military classes, talking to neighbors, etcetera. You get the idea. Practice makes perfect.

Then I read this old article again this morning and thought I just had to post it. Take heed folks...Take heed.
"Hello, Frank here.

Let's talk. Since my name is not Fern, then this article is going to have a slightly different slant to it. This is going to sound like a rant, because that's what it is. Rants are not always organized and structured or in a pleasant flow. So, please bear with me.

I read lots of stories, articles or other rants that believe that the collapse that's coming will be similar in nature to the collapse that occurred during the late 1920's. Okay, some of my numbers here are not going to be precise, they are going to be rounded off. Maybe up, or maybe down, but you will get the general idea, if you have the ability to think. So, if I say 70% and it was actually 60% or maybe 80%, then please bear with me. Remember, this is a rant.

Back to the late 1920's. The population of the United States was much smaller than it is today. The majority of the people still lived on a farm, let's say 80%. Therefore, 20% of the people lived in
larger cities. Now remember, people in rural areas did not have electricity in the 1920's or 30's. Most of the people in rural areas raised most of their own food. Summer, winter, spring, fall they ate what came out of the earth. Many, many rural people were what we would call today, dirt poor. My information source here, was my father. He and his brother did not wear shoes for most of the winter and never wore shoes during the summer. So, he is my source of data, along with census data.

So. Most people lived in the country. Most people raised their own food. Most people didn't have electricity and everything that is associated with electricity. There were significantly fewer people in the United States. And many current authors tell us that we will get through this next depression or collapse or tyrannical government or whatever you want to call it, just like we got through the 1920's collapse.

Now let's look at today. We have a much larger population. That means more mouths to feed. The vast majority of people live in cities or suburbs, which conversely means, that very few people live in rural America, or on 
the farm. Almost everybody has electricity. So, what does this mean? Since the majority of people live in cities, that means that few, if any, raise their own food. Few or none, know how to preserve their own food,and all buy their food at the grocery store. Now those few that live in the country, are not living on a farm. For the benefit of discussion, yes, there are a handful that still live on a farm. But how many of that handful continue to raise all of their own food? Of that small handful, how many know how to preserve their own food? Get the picture here?

It doesn't matter what type of shutdown, collapse or apocalyptic event is GOING to occur, there is not going to be enough food to feed the
massive numbers of people, not even remotely close. Even in rural areas, extremely rural areas, most people have no idea how to raise, process and store food. And now, throw into the equation, there won't be any electricity. So, all that meat you have stored in the freezer on the top of your refrigerator, sitting beside the popsicles and burritos will turn into stinking mush in about three days.

Ladies and gentlemen. We are in significant trouble. Let me say that again. We are in a situation that we cannot recover from. I know folks that say
that they are going to go live in the forest and live off the land. Wake-y, Wake-y here fool! I know veteran, hard core, experienced hunters that laugh when they hear people say, and pardon me, unbelievably stupid things like that. There are many, many stories about mostly men, that have gone out into bush Alaska and had something to prove. Somebody normally finds them later. Going and living in the woods and hunting and feeding your family is not going to happen.

Remember those people in the cities? They're just going to go out and live with somebody in the country. A farmer, right? I hope they like 10,000 acres of soybeans or corn or milo or even wheat. They don't need a farmer, what they need is a gardener and most farmers don't raise gardens because they go to the grocery store and buy it.

Before the shortages of guns and bullets lots of people thought that the idea of survival was who had the most guns and the most bullets. Some of these people watch way too much television. I know people that have never shot a gun that were buying guns and bullets. Like others write, buying a surf board, does not make you a surfer. Buying a gun does not make you a hunter, or give you the ability to pull the trigger when you need to. These are false delusions of illusions.

Look at some of the facts presented above about population densities, and food production or preservation. Don't get me wrong. I like guns and I like bullets, but I like shovels, hoes and seeds a whole lot better. I have even known people to buy these cans and five gallon buckets that have these survival seeds packed inside and they
wouldn't no more know how to raise a garden than they would to fly a space shuttle. Can they learn to garden? Yes. Can they learn to fly a space shuttle? I guess so. I know 80 year old women that still wonder why their tomatoes make one year and the next year they don't and they've been gardening for 65 years. I'm not saying that a bucket full of seeds is a bad thing. That reminds me. Where is my seed catalog? But gardening is an art, a skill, not something to be mastered in one year. The person that thinks they are going to raise a garden and produce food for their family in one year, got off the same bus as the guy that is going to go live in the forest and feed his family.

I hurt for those that can't see or feel what is coming. There are signs everywhere, just look around. Our economy is in dismal, dismal shape and I live in a part of the world that is in pretty good shape. Look at society. Look at the stuff you do see on television or read in the news. Society is collapsing. The EBT cards shut down for a few hours. Can you imagine
what society will be like when the EBT cards shut down permanently? Our government leaders. Look at what's happening in state capitals around our country. Look at some of the things that are happening that our parents and grandparents would have never thought possible.  There is a term called 'normalcy bias'. Basically, this means what we learn to accept over time as normal. Our society is in serious, serious trouble. There are things that I cannot say in this blog that when I was a child, people went to jail for, what today is normal. We have perversion crammed down our throats everyday. This is normal.

Okay. Let's see. Our economy cannot be saved. Okay. Next. Society
can't be saved. Our political arena is unbelievably corrupt and is a massive cesspool. This next statement is only going to be said once, listen carefully. Christianity is under attack worldwide. That means here, in the United Sates, Christianity is under attack also. The future does not look good for it's survival. Pay attention. We are under attack.

Now, let me go back to the first part of this rant. Many writers will tell you that we survived the Great Depression and we will survive the next one too. And these are the people giving you the bad news. Not to mention those that are telling us that everything is okay and that "things are getting better". I borrowed that last line from the Postman. Folks, we are in serious, serious trouble and I really don't know if we are going to survive this. The world is not going to be the same world when this thing happens. Hold your family close. Prepare yourself mentally, physically, spiritually and temporally and with the help of God we will do the best we can.

That's it for now. Maybe we'll talk more later. It's time to wake-y wake-y.

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Re: Frank and Fern: Some Good Thoughts
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2014, 11:54:40 AM »
Good article. And hopefully it will make (or at least help) someone or two wake up.

But its a REAL good idea to keep this place from getting in deep plagarism/copyright headaches.  The simple way to do that is to post the link to the original posting.  IMHO that covers it as far as the educational exception.  Besides, its always a good idea should the article cause someone to go there and get more information from the author or as applicable. 

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.


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Re: Frank and Fern: Some Good Thoughts
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2014, 01:12:49 PM »
This is really well communicated.

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