Well my corn is thru and after freezing a little over 80 ears and canning some 40 odd pints of creamed corn, one may wonder what I did with all those cobs from the creamed corn. Down here my grandparents made wine. Yep, and it's called Corn Cob Wine. If you want to try it, here ya go.
1 dozen or 15 or so of raw corn cobs
1 gallon boiling water
4 pounds of sugar
2 pkgs yeast
Place cobs in a container, like stainless steel or plastic, and pour boiling water over them. Then cover with a towel and let stand for 24 hours.
Wring out and remove the cobs and then add the sugar. Stir till dissolved and then add yeast. Stir.
Cover again and let stand for min. of 8 or 9 days in room temps. The yeast will stop bubbling and your house will smell like, well, a distillery.
After the yeast has finished working, strain through cheesecloth to another container, cover and store in a fairly cool place until it is fermented, which may take as long as 10 weeks.
Bottle in mason jars and enjoy. Be careful, it'll sneak up on you.
I've got enough going to last me over winter or if it gets too cold, the end of the year. YMMV
Should be finished off about the time my grape and blackberry wine comes ready to bottle.
Ironic huh?