As you can read in this short article posted over at
Armstrong Economics, that the Northeast will be hit almost as hard as the EU when it comes to heating fuels this coming winter. Connecticut, in 72-days, will start a home heating oil delivery tax. This tax is to be used to off-set environmental concerns.
Numerous European nations have already stated that energy would be rationed during the winter. The Northeast area of America will now be required to ration energy as well. Biden released 15 million barrels from the emergency reserves to aid the Democrats in the 2022 US midterm elections. He did not provide any oil to the Northeast home heating oil reserve that is currently experiencing a shortage. - Armstrong Economics
And people ask me, "why do you burn wood?" LOL.
Who wants to bet that all fossil fuel costs will skyrocket post the midterms. If you haven't put in some wood, coal, and/or topped off your propane & heating oil tanks, you may want to get going now.