Author Topic: Bacon at theft prices.  (Read 5637 times)


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Bacon at theft prices.
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:54:26 PM »
O.K. guys lets keep under the radar on this one or we might cause a company policy change if too many people rape the bacon tray.

The opportunity.    I noticed the price per pound of takeout at golden coral buffet is an easy on the pocket $4.69 a pound. Doesn't matter what you get just fill the tray and pay... Wait a minute, there's bacon there with all the other breakfast stuff. COOKED BACON FOR $4.69 A POUND!

The crime.   I'm gonna get all my canning supplies ready and try my hand at dry canning some fully cooked 4.69 a pound bacon. For you math inclined people at a 3-1 cook down ratio that's about $1.56 a pound, if it hits a 4-1 cookdown were at $1.17 a pound uncooked price equivalent. At that price I'm gonna stack my jars deep and spend the money I save on a cardiologist [img]

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Re: Bacon at theft prices.
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2012, 04:10:58 PM »
LOL!  I'm getting a real kick out of this.   The amount of creativity people show during hard times is nothing short of amazing!  I wonder how long before there's a picture of you with a caption above it that says "Watch For This Man" at every prepay register in the chain.  LOL!

Let's just hope that bacon is from a pig.  For that price I'm somewhat skeptical.   :)

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Re: Bacon at theft prices.
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2012, 09:29:55 AM »
Sounds like a good deal so definitely worth a try to can some, BUT I feel the need to point out something....
BOTULISM poisoning is likely to occur from improperly preserved meat so you should be sure to use heat, and lots of it, in your dry canning process.  And then when you finally go to eat the bacon, you should first test a small portion from each jar you open on any available mammal (dog, cat, rat, mouse, etc.) and wait 24 hours for symptoms to show.   Botulism poisoning is 100% fatal without the kind of medical care only found in a hospital.  It paralyzes the lungs so the victim needs to be on a respirator while it runs its course.
"It wouldn't do any good.  I've had the shit beat out of me a lot of times.  I just replenish with more shit."  - Billy McBride


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Re: Bacon at theft prices.
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2012, 08:32:48 PM »
Sounds like a good deal so definitely worth a try to can some, BUT I feel the need to point out something....
BOTULISM poisoning is likely to occur from improperly preserved meat so you should be sure to use heat, and lots of it, in your dry canning process.  And then when you finally go to eat the bacon, you should first test a small portion from each jar you open on any available mammal (dog, cat, rat, mouse, etc.) and wait 24 hours for symptoms to show.   Botulism poisoning is 100% fatal without the kind of medical care only found in a hospital.  It paralyzes the lungs so the victim needs to be on a respirator while it runs its course.


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Re: Bacon at theft prices.
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2012, 11:43:42 PM »
Local shops here sell it for 1.45 a lbs. It's cheap and its been like that since ive been going there for 6 months