MrsMac and I spent the past weekend just north of Philadelphia staying with my mom for Mom's Day. During yesterday's breakfast we had Fox News on in the background. The big topic for the day on Fox was the shortage of baby formula.
Between a sip of coffee my mom said, "what's the big deal on baby formula? I raised your brother on goat milk and if that wasn't available I made my own formula from evaporated milk". I asked her what her recipe was for formula. She said,
"one can of evaporated milk. Enough water mixed with the can of milk to brink the level to one quart. To that I added either one teaspoon off sugar or simple syrup." She went on to say, "if your brother had a bought of diarrhea, I would lessen the sugar in the next bottle of formula."
She also added that she gave my brother, baby vitamins via an eye dropper for vitamins the evaporated milk formula may have missed.
I asked her where she learned to use evaporated milk and her response was, "from my mom". So we all have to ask, what have mothers done for eons who could not feed their child breast milk.
Now feeding my brother with goat milk. I knew there was something wrong with him.
Do you remember what mom's in your circle used?