Author Topic: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless  (Read 10040 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« on: February 05, 2023, 04:37:08 PM »
Michael Yon who is at the peak of the pyramid when it comes to being a true, journalist war correspondent, just put out a great piece titled, Heart Dump From the Frontlines. You all should click on the link and read it.

In short, what is happening at our southern border (And now Northern) is nothing more than an invasion of soldiers coming to the USA under the guise of "wanting a better life". How come most of these people are male?

My thoughts.

1) A good friend sent the Yon's link to me. Thank you Sister...You get it!
2) This whole invasion across the southern border (Northern border too now) is a smokescreen to get
     foreign soldiers into our country. Why?
3) China has purchased large quantities of land just south of the border in Mexico. Why?
4) China has troops stationed at Stanley Park in Vancouver, Canada.  Why?
5) We have balloons large enough to carry nuclear bombs at the correct altitude to be deployed for an
    EMP. Yet PPOTUS does nothing. Why?
6) Our Strategic Petroleum Reserves are depleted by half and they are not being refilled. Why?
7) Food production is being hampered by the lack of fertilizer being produced domestically and imported.
8) Meat processing plants are burning. Why?
9) All of a sudden, egg production is low and chickens are being euthanized do to arian flue. Why?
10) Children are being FORCED to receive vaccinations when the mortality rates of folks under 29 who get Covid-
     19 is miniscule. Why?
Heck, the list goes on and on. If you think something is not about to break, I have a nice bridge for sale. It is a wood covered bridge, with just a bit of dry rot here and there however, it is quaint.

Yesterday, I facilitated a 4-hour meeting with a local MAG. Eighteen folks signed up and were supposed to attend. The agenda was three parts,

> Start your seeds for your garden now and how to do it,
> Packaging bulk food. Mylar bags, O2, packets, etc. etc. and food (Caloric planning) etc., and
> 2-meter radio usage 101. Ahhh so when the internet goes down.

Seven showed up out of the 18 who RSVP'd. We had food, drinks for all. Games, puzzels, and coloring books for the kids, etc etc etc.

The presenters (2 + me) were dismayed by the poor turnout. The people that said they were going to show up talk big about prepping but, probably will be calling me for help as soon as the balloon goes off (Pun intended). I suspect, if the discussion was going to be about firearms, every big swinging dick would have been there. Well folks, ya' can't eat bullets or firearms. Although, if you come to try and take our beans and rice, you will be eating bullets for sure.

I am involved with three MAG groups. My group of ~10 local folks get it. We are prepared or darn near prepared.
One group talk a big game. I suspect most are all hat and no cattle. Well to be fair, there maybe 5 that are on top of it. I know who they are and for those folks, I bet ya' can't wait for folks to show up at your door. 

Then there is the big ass Pennsylvania group I am involved with, who have ~30 members. 2/3 of which RSVP'd  they would be at the meeting - Only 7 out of 18 showed up. Why was there only 18 out of 30 members that RSVP'd? That is another question for another rant directed at that group.

Bottom line, why do people not see what is happening around them and preparing. Why do they talk big but do little or loose interest. Why do they drop a shiton (Accounting term) of cash on firearms, ammo, and other assorted cool guy gear yet, have a box of saltines, a can of soup, and a some spam in the cupboard? Then they think they are good to go for a year. Do they realize that a male man who is active needs 3,000 calories a day. An active  female needs 2,000 a day. What about your children? Do you have 8,000+ calories on hand (Mom, Dad & 2 kids) a day for 365-days (That is a year for you Biden supporters). 

When your kids get hungry, mommy will get mad, and tell you to do something. Then you will be forced to turn in your ammo and firearms for food at the local FEMA camp so mommy ain't angry no more. 

Okay, okay, I am done my rant. I feel better now. 😉

Peace to you all.

73 & God Bless
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2023, 05:10:27 PM »
I feel about the same as you do about the half assed preppers. The one's that really piss me off are the "Nodders" who listen and nod and then don't do a damned thing to actually prepare. When the SHTF, and they want sympathy, I'm going to tell them, "If you're looking for sympathy, its in the dictionary somewhere between Shit and Syphilus." I've been prepping since 2008 and all I've seen is everything getting worse and worse. It would appear that the Sheeple just don't care.

Offline Jackalope

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Re: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2023, 06:21:01 PM »
Hi Johny, you've given many points to ponder.  I see a similar situation within my local MAG, where we have some very dedicated folks and others who participate occasionally.  I prefer smaller groups, because they're more intimate, and you can get a better read of people's strengths and weaknesses.

I believe that those who are not active are not sufficiently motivated.  Additionally, there's the "out of sight, out of mind" mindset.  Unfortunately, those folks are going to be the ones caught with their pants down when the manure hits the fan.  These folks have too many things competing for their attention, like kid's activities, their jobs, their mortgage, their laundry, etc.  I sincerely believe that long term survivalism is a way of life.  Serious "preppers" should live at their BOL.  When you live at your BOL and orient your life towards survivalism, it changes your perspective. Every activity and every purchase should be evaluated as to how it will impact your long term survival.

    In regards to my MAG, I've already decided that if TSHTF, I'll definitely help the core group, but the others will be assisted only when time and resources are available.  You have to mentally triage the folks in your group.

     I've found that since I retired, I'm busier then ever, and there really are not enough hours in the day.  Today, for instance, I upgraded part of the property security system, and built another AR, that's going to be used primarily as a low cost training tool, as it has a CMMG .22LR conversion kit.  Later I'll be doing some research and reading, and some walking too, working on my night skills.

     Losing my wife was a set back, but life goes on, and so do preps.  I'm fortunate that I have my stepson here to help, but even if he wasn't here, I would continue prepping, "cause that's what I do..."   Along those lines, I'm actively searching for another spouse, as survival works better in a team environment, even if that team is just a family unit.

     I say think positive, and be thankful for those that you can rely on.  Concentrate on those that are worth your time and energy.

Offline mfitzy111

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Re: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2023, 05:12:00 PM »
Jackalope Sorry for your loss. I don't know that I could imagine what you went through...

it's hard to find a good group of people...locally -and personally I've only got a few people near home that I help out, and I have in return helped them out. (most of my neighbors are good people) I've pulled them out of ditches, they pulled my quad out of the mud, I've helped them with their computer issues (I was an IT guy for about 20 years), I've had a few of my wife's friends show up when we needed a battery jumped...I'd take care of my neighbors chickens when he was down with the flu. Those people around me that helped me always get priority on getting help. 

so short term -I've been in a survival mode situation for a little too long/ while watching things get worse almost weekly -I  lost my IT job about 2 years ago- think about not having a real job for over two years (not saying I didn't invest early on knowing that could happen and can't pay bills- because that's how I've been keeping afloat.),  just before that job loss my little brother passed from a heart attack, because of the job loss I am starting my own mowing business, and selling mugs/socks on Etsy as a second part time back up income source. (when people ask- why not just get another computer job? well, so far every recruiter asked me if I'd take the jab/ and my response is always no. no I'm not doing that. I've had too many bad experiences with food allergies due to yellow fever (and other) shots taken while I was employed by a shot maker in Swiftwater, I'll never get more. What they are pushing now is a depopulation agenda. (and it's not my place to say get it or don't get it- just that no one really has all the data, and they will be mad once they figure out it's poison.)

so ..emergencies after emergencies since politics changed for the worse...had covid, had appendicitis, our septic needed to be pumped over memorial day weekend, our well pump recently died and cost a small fortune to get drilled out again/replaced ...cashed out retirement for that because water is life.

right now I have a few people in a group that I can call if things get bad - but other people that I thought I could depend on are gone. One guy moved south to SC, another one made some bad decisions and lost my trust. Another guy is in the same jobless situation, but worse off than I am... I know a guy who works on things, repairs cars/trucks/quads ect, and another guy who has lots of contacts to acquire things -auctions ect...

mostly I know I need to build some connections, find some group support,  but at this point I'm going to be scrambling for work this this point I'd like to find a local place to fish, hike camp with that group because I want to find out about those people before I'm forced to rely on them...sure some people can shoot good, others can use a bow...but do they know how to fish? can they sleep outside? do they know how to use the gear they have? are they good people? are they fit people? seems lot of people buy gear they never use, and can't carry it even if they tried...I've been saying since before the downsizing I wanted to train on skills over getting more stuff- and reality made that happen without really having a choice. cut super market bills, get that garden going, make lists, buy it online for pickup so you don't go inside the store and over spend...

I think this, and can't tell you how much I agree!!!  ->>>> I say think positive, and be thankful for those that you can rely on.  Concentrate on those that are worth your time and energy.

even when I think about what might happen with Russia and ww3...I have a 5 year old son right now playing in the other room, and my wife so that's why I'm still thinking what else can I do to keep them fed and keep them surviving. I'm interested but don't really have much resources to offer a group, I can reload ammo, do basic military stuff (was a 19D in a past life), and mow lawns...hopefully we will see that nothing happens over the next few years, and things settle down..(but denying reality isn't really an option) so I'll keep pushing to get by.

anyhow- that being said I'm going to get back to reading - and research more on the Kantronics KPC+3s I bought used at a recent Ham meeting. :D I'm waiting on cables, and plan on getting a 2m packet station setup...since I'm at 1865ish above sea level and Klk mtn is 2250, I might be able to be of service to everything West of Elk. idk...

Good luck guys- I'll keep checking in for the next time you guys are planning on meet up for survival purposes...if people are serious they will bring a tablet, a pen and a friend or two.



Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2023, 07:59:08 PM »
Step one in building a Mutual Assistance Group (MAG) is to ensure those joining are routinely assisting themselves.  I've seen TOO MANY WELFARE MENTALITY ' gimme free stuff' types in the 'survivalist' movement, since it was called that/  In radio 'That's not faaaair, I shouldn't have ta study to use the radio. You should give radios to your team mates...".  No - if you WANT it, you'll do a little work.  Without a little learning and practice, you'll never use it.  HF radio is NOT CUSTOMER FRIENDLY, which is why ts was never really a commercial product, sold directly to the general populace.

The word "preppers" or "survivalists" is like leaving the porch light ON.
 It's a warm and welcoming sight after a long drive for family and friends, but
 attracts a lot of blood suckers.

- Sir John Honeybucket
« Last Edit: February 18, 2023, 11:51:08 AM by Sir John Honeybucket »
Prepper or Survivalist ?

A Prepper keeps survival rations for his pets.

A Survivalist  keeps pets as survival rations.

Offline FeedingFreedom

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Re: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2023, 07:56:49 AM »
Sir John, you hit the nail on the head. I will bend over backwards to help people who are making an honest effort to prep, and most importantly, LEARN. Luckily it usually doesn't take too long to determine which group someone falls into. If you fall into the "gimme" group, I have no time for you at all. Can't teach attitude.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2023, 10:48:27 AM »
I know I have told this story but what the heck, I am old so I am forgetful.  :facepalm:

My brother and I built our log cabin from a kit in 2010. Occasionally, a friend of his would come up to the cabin to help out. He was fresh out of the Army and had done a couple tours in the sandbox. He was a good guy or we thought.

We were sitting on our porch sipping a cold one when he blurted out with, "I come up to help you guys to see where you are on finishing the cabin. When the SHTF what I plan on doing is to come up here and sit just inside the tree line and take each one of you out. Then move my family in."

At first, I thought he was just joking and treated his comment like a joke.

Later that night I pulled my brother aside and asked him what he thought of his friends comments. My brother shared with me that he had said that before but only to him.

Bottom-line, after that weekend, he was never invited back to the cabin. He tried to invite himself but that never worked out.  ;)

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Offline grizz

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Re: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2023, 02:00:38 PM »
I know I have told this story but what the heck, I am old so I am forgetful.  :facepalm:

My brother and I built our log cabin from a kit in 2010. Occasionally, a friend of his would come up to the cabin to help out. He was fresh out of the Army and had done a couple tours in the sandbox. He was a good guy or we thought.

We were sitting on our porch sipping a cold one when he blurted out with, "I come up to help you guys to see where you are on finishing the cabin. When the SHTF what I plan on doing is to come up here and sit just inside the tree line and take each one of you out. Then move my family in."

At first, I thought he was just joking and treated his comment like a joke.

Later that night I pulled my brother aside and asked him what he thought of his friends comments. My brother shared with me that he had said that before but only to him.

Bottom-line, after that weekend, he was never invited back to the cabin. He tried to invite himself but that never worked out.  ;)


Why would he admit that or even joke about something like that?

You should have told him to get his own place and see where he took the conversation from there
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Offline mfitzy111

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Re: Are Mutual Assistance Groups Useless
« Reply #8 on: February 19, 2023, 10:18:50 PM »
I know I have told this story but what the heck, I am old so I am forgetful.  :facepalm:

My brother and I built our log cabin from a kit in 2010. Occasionally, a friend of his would come up to the cabin to help out. He was fresh out of the Army and had done a couple tours in the sandbox. He was a good guy or we thought.

We were sitting on our porch sipping a cold one when he blurted out with, "I come up to help you guys to see where you are on finishing the cabin. When the SHTF what I plan on doing is to come up here and sit just inside the tree line and take each one of you out. Then move my family in."

At first, I thought he was just joking and treated his comment like a joke.

Later that night I pulled my brother aside and asked him what he thought of his friends comments. My brother shared with me that he had said that before but only to him.

Bottom-line, after that weekend, he was never invited back to the cabin. He tried to invite himself but that never worked out.  ;)

yeah - I knew a guy like that - that I grew up with and worked for, for a short some point you shouldn't have to say one needs users around.
what they should be looking for is a how can I do this kind of thing myself attitude, not a how can I steal this from you when your already down attitude...that's the same mentality of those guys that say when the balloon goes up, I'm coming to your house in a stolen motor home...I know you have guns/ammo/food whatever I think I need...and I don't ever plan on buying my own 'stuff' when I can steal your that point I'm like, I've been living a few years off my "supplies/stuff"...out of work for a few years. I don't have any stuff for them. Good luck with that. enjoy the dandelions in the lawn.

my neighbor says it best... ok. my house is like the hotel california, you will check in- but you won't ever leave...that ends that quick. He's been prepping since the late 80s- so he's heard it all.
I just posted about some of my other friends saying stuff like: 'YOU' should save a bag of rice for emergencies for me, you know I have good ideas... I would be valuable to be around, I was like if your ideas are so good they better produce calories and grow you food...because if I have a bag of rice laying around it's going to feed my kid first...a really good idea would be save YOUR money, and buy your own bag of emergency rice.

it annoys me, people who go on vacations, buy big screen TVs, go out partying are grasshoppers...the people who own guns/ammo/stock up on food, and save for bad times are ants...ASOP's fable about Ants and grasshoppers ends with those ANTS eating those grasshoppers... I don't mind helping people, but I'll be damned if I'm going to watch my son starve because some idiot didn't care enough about himself to set aside anything for himself when everybody with eyes can see things are swirling around the bowl.

~MFitzy111 (Mike).