Author Topic: A few ideas  (Read 1468 times)

Offline JoJo

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A few ideas
« on: January 12, 2017, 06:59:07 PM »
 While driving around southern Delaware I would see unimproved driveways that go 200 to maybe 300 feet into the woods to a house. You could always tell when you are coming to one of these by the mailbox at the road. If your place has one of these driveways don’t forget to remove the mail box when SHTF after that it would be easy to camouflage the driveway.

 Another thought I had is, and this is my opinion if you’re saving cigarettes and alcohol for barter it would be better to wait for things to calm down a bit. That gives the addicts a chance to move on or eliminate one another. Bartering to early may cause them to follow you home or kill you on the spot.

It takes me about a month and a half for me to finish a bottle of wine so I have rubber stoppers that I can hook up a hand vacuum pump to and pump to a vacuum. My Idea is when SHTF and I open a can of vegetables  I can pour the liquid in a wine bottle, pump it down and save it to make soup later on.
 What are your ideas on that? Is it possible to save that way?
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: A few ideas
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2017, 02:18:31 AM »
I don't know squat about how saving veggie juice in a vacuum bottle will work but your observation about homes back in the woods is interesting. If the problems occur in warm times, the leaves will prevent scavengers from seeing the house but in winter there will be no leaves to obscure the view. Removing the mailbox is a good thought and obscuring the driveway is also good. However if there is a drainpipe in the ditch at the driveway, that's going to be a problem. My plan, if things get dangerous, is to make sure someone armed is always in my woods next to the house to protect the property. Radio communication from the woods to the house is also obvious.

Offline Kbop

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Re: A few ideas
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2017, 08:45:55 AM »
@JoJo, saving fruit and other edibles by 'pickling' is a time honored tradition - either in brine, vinegar, or alcohol.  The way i keep it straight in my head, is salting, bacterial or yeast.  I've heard you can preserve acidic fruit in honey - like preserves or jam but never tried it myself.
as for the pickling in wine,  I don't know.   :popcorn: