For want of a nail the shoe was lost,
for want of a shoe the horse was lost;
and for want of a horse the rider was lost;
being overtaken and slain by the enemy,
all for want of care about a horse-shoe nail.
-Benjamin Franklin
I was swapping comments via email on the economic whoa's of the United States over at a MAG I associate with. Looking at Franklin's proverbial rhyme, I suggest that the "want of a nail" in US's case is, petroleum.
Just looking at the food industry (About 5% of GDP) as a microcosm of our GDP; it takes petroleum from seed to the grocery store for most of us to eat.
Fertilizer to grow the food>Diesel to harvest the food>Diesel to take to railroad yard>Diesel to drive the train to the processor>Electric to process the food>diesel to drive it from the processor to the grocery store>petrol for you to drive to the store to pick up.
Now that is just one industry albeit, a very important industry.
I predicated here this past February that there would be a correction in the DJIA down to 28,000. I wrote even earlier, we would see a 20% correction however, I predicted this would happen by mid summer. Based on the current economic trend, I am changing that prediction to earlier - By the end of May.
Next week around May 12th, the April CPI will be released and I predict it will be around 10% annualized. My reasoning is fuel prices. Then the April GDP will be released 2-weeks later on or around May 26th. It will be a double whammy for sure. I predict it will be near 0% which will put us in the classic definition of a recession. Of course if it is similar to Q1's GDP of -1.4% it will put us very close to -10% GDP growth - over 3-quarters- which means depression Again, it all goes back to the missing 'nail' in modern day America's horse shoe, called petroleum.
Now I am not a smart person however, even I can see what is going on.
President O' Biden has said often that he envisions himself as a reincarnation of FDR and wants a "New Deal" for you. He calls it
Build, Back , Better. In order to present this as a must have option, he needs to take the USA down economically. It is as clear to me as the wart with hair growing out of it, on the end of my nose.