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Radio / December 2024 Tuesday ERIN SOI
« Last post by JohnyMac on Today at 11:20:48 AM »
The next ERIN(2) net will be Tuesday December 3, 2024, starting at 1900 hrs. eastern with the digital ERIN net. The PACE for that net is as follows,

1) At 1900E hrs. digital net (NCS is usually on frequency at 1850E hrs.) will commence.

Primary         7.110 Mhz SB Contestia 4/250, 1000 on the Waterfall
Alternate       3.588 Mhz USB Contestia 4/250, 1000 on the Waterfall
Contingency  This email thread
Emergency    Signal(1). Do I have your cell phone number?

When the Net Control Station (NCS) calls for check-in's this is the reporting format,

de your call, your call/name/location/W-TFC or No-TFC/ de your call

All traffic (TFC) will be passed via MFSK32. I suggest using the FLmsg ICS-213 or the AmRRON Custom forms.

NCS will convert mode from C-4/250 (Contestia 4/250) to MFSK32 and then instruct check-ins one at a time to pass TFC.

Once TFC is complete, NCS will return mode back to C-4/250 for the wrap up of the QSO.

2) At 2000E hrs. (I am typically on frequency at 1950E hrs.) will commence.

Primary         3.898 Mhz LSB or higher till clear air
Alternate       7.193 Mhz LSB or higher till clean air
Contingency  This email thread
Emergency    Signal(1). Do I have your cell phone number?

The above SOI will be used at first, if the interwiz is taken down through Executive Order -- Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions. Then we will develop and share a revised SOI.

73 & God Bless,

(1)  The Signal App is being used instead of text for emergency's. Go to my post, When The Interwize Goes Dark, for an explanation.
(2) A quick history of ERIN (Eastern, Region, Information, Network). Just after President Trump declared a state of emergency, March 2020, I was asked by NC Scout ( to NCS a Covid-19 net, as we were worried that misinformation, intentional or unintentional, was coming out of the main stream media. The net was five days a week, Monday through Friday and it was a voice net (phone).

June of the same year, the net was reduced to three days a week, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. By August it was reduced to one day a week, Tuesday evening's at 2000E Hrs. phone only.

As digital grew in popularity, I introduced a digital net at 1900E Hrs. the same night starting in 2021.

These two nets have been every Tuesday night since January 2021 with only a few interruptions due to electrical storms at my AO.

The purpose of these nets is to do the following,

     > Fellowship, connect hams with other hams,
     > Testing of equipment and alternate modes,
     > Pass traffic concerning ones AO. Traffic typically consists of,
        - Localized weather report if out of the ordinary.
        - Fuel availability & prices, petrol/Diesel.
        - Civil unrest if any.
        - Unusual Military movement if any.
        - Other interesting local news.
      > Training. To help hams become more confident in TXing & RXing, practice being a NC or ANC station, and
          all other that
          applies to prepare for a localized or national drama, and
      > Serve as a conduit to connect hams who have radio equipment to sell or looking for.

I want to thank all the hams that regularly participate on these nets. I am looking for NCS (Net Control Station) volunteers, in case one day I am hit by a bus.  :D
Radio / Re: Database of active HF Digital Nets
« Last post by JohnyMac on Today at 11:17:56 AM »
Cool beans Stephen!  :thumbsUp: :cheers:
Radio / Re: Need a ham radio volunteer tonight
« Last post by JohnyMac on Today at 11:16:59 AM »
Thanks however, I will just go with the 80 meter band tonight and call it a day.
Radio / Database of active HF Digital Nets
« Last post by Stephen on December 02, 2024, 08:48:54 PM »
I'm working on putting together a database of all active HF digital nets. You can view a spreadsheet sorted by time (UTC), and you can copy the file and do whatever filtering and sorting you want. There is also a form for entering other nets that aren't on there yet. Any comments and suggestions are welcome.
Radio / Re: Need a ham radio volunteer tonight
« Last post by Jackalope on December 02, 2024, 08:21:12 PM »
I?ll try to be available early tomorrow night, if that?ll work.
Radio / Re: Need a ham radio volunteer tonight
« Last post by JohnyMac on December 02, 2024, 10:50:56 AM »
Sorry Stephen, I wasn't specific enough. I need a volunteer for phone. Thank you for volunteering though.  :thumbsUp: :cheers:
Today being in the American military is a voluntary thing. The military system (all branches) wants people to volunteer because they have jobs that need to be done. It makes sense that they would want to "hire" the most qualified person they can get for each job regardless of what sex they may be. By allowing females to join the military they are essentially doubling the pool of potential applicants.

While there is a baseline physical (and mental) fitness requirement just to join the military, there are more demanding physical requirements for some jobs than others, just like in civilian life.

I believe that it should not matter if a person is male or female. If a person voluntarily joins the military, it is assumed that they have done so with their eyes open and they understand the requirements and the potential consequences of that choice. Once in the military, each person can strive for whatever career field they desire, which is hopefully one they are also suited for, both mentally and physically.

People tend to gravitate to positions that they desire, or in some cases, which they are really good at. Some want to be in physically and/or mentally demanding jobs. Others prefer a less challenging position because they may not be as physically capable as others. People are different. Some have more focus and drive than others. There are many different jobs in the military.

The job requirements for a specific career field should be the same for everyone, male or female. If a person cannot meet those requirements, either physically or mentally, then they should not be put in that position. Conversely, if a person can meet the requirements, then they should be allowed to do that job just like anyone else.

JohnnyMac has a point when he writes about males catering to female physical fitness shortcomings in some situations. It happens everywhere at times, not just in the military. Look at the civilian law enforcement and fire fighting career fields. But, it should not be allowed to happen in the military. If a person, male or female cannot perform to the requirements for the job, they should be disqualified and reassigned. Instead, today's military allows itself to cater to special interests. They sometimes forget that just because someone wants a particular job does not mean they are capable of doing it.

I think it boils down to individual capability. If a person wants it and can do the job, they should be allowed the opportunity to do so. If they can't do the job, then they should be moved to another job/position they are more suited for, regardless of their sex.

There are two sides to this topic. One is capability; the other seems to be culture. Americans need to stop catering to the idea that females are fragile and allow them to pass or fail upon their individual capabilities. If they want a military career and everything that goes with it, then let them apply.

"A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The 'United States of America', for an amount of 'up to and including my life'."   :stir:

Radio / Re: Need a ham radio volunteer tonight
« Last post by Stephen on December 02, 2024, 08:45:57 AM »
I can check in from Florida. 3585 or 3588 sound good? 900 or 1000 waterfall?
Radio / Need a ham radio volunteer tonight
« Last post by JohnyMac on December 02, 2024, 08:34:59 AM »
Thinking about moving to 75-meters on the ERIN net. I want to do a test on that band tonight at 2000E hrs. Anybody want to have an impromptu net to check out the band?
JohnyMac: You ain't far off the mark at all. Women can be a valuable asset in the military. Jobs requiring massive upper body strength is not one of them. During WW2, they were code breakers, airplane mechanics, Nurses, and a host of other jobs. The nonsense that they can only be Secretaries is BS. Some women shoot better than a lot of men and they can be firearm instructors. My waitress at the local Huddle House used to be in Communications and she said that she climbed a ton of wood poles to install antennas. As far as being front line bullet sponges, I'm with you all the way. They just don't belong there. Hell, as a matter of fact, I wouldn't want to be a front line bullet sponge.
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