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Entertainment Media / Re: Homestead (film)
« Last post by pkveazey on Today at 01:02:56 PM »
There is one down and dirty way to kill the receiver of a signal tracking vehicle. Overload the front end of the trackers radio and blow out the detector diode. The signal detection vehicle will be sniffing for signals with very sensitive equipment. As soon as they get real close, just hit them with about a 50,000 watt pulse and it will blow out their detector diode. Blowing that $1 diode will put them out of business until they can get it repaired. Make sure you turn off your own equipment before you send that pulse. Make sure the pulse is sent at around 455 Khz so it will enter their first IF stage. Hell, a pulse that strong might even wipe out their whole IF stage also. To send a pulse that strong, you'll need a Monster sized Capacitor to charge up enough to discharge all at once. On the other hand, you could spend a brazilion dollars and buy an old 50,000 watt AM radio station's equipment.
Entertainment Media / Re: Homestead (film)
« Last post by Sir John Honeybucket on December 21, 2024, 03:19:30 PM »
Yes, local oscillator  stray emission was especially a problem when using tube radios as wall the circuits leaked a lot of signal, operating the entire receiver stages at higher power.  Also, Intermediate Frequencies were in standard bands, so locating the LO and alter the TV horizontal raster oscillator was common.  Unfortunately, my tr(U)SDX oscillated heavily on the receive frequency itself, being a direct conversion set.  I was surprised at how noticeable it is.  I used to use two similar receivers side by side, one offset 455 kHz from the desired frequency to fake a BFO injection so that I could listen to Morse code and even SSB. There are other tricks associated with this.
Entertainment Media / Re: Homestead (film)
« Last post by Tree on December 21, 2024, 02:13:56 PM »
Listening is not without some risk in a non-permissive environment.  BBC vans would locate people watching unlicensed televisions via the local oscillator.  LO can still be an issue when "passively" listening to radio.   

I am interested in learning more about emissions control counter-measures.

Foxhunting broadcasts from an NVIS antenna can be difficult; unless you are using AWACS or some type of drone.
Entertainment Media / Re: Homestead (film)
« Last post by JohnyMac on December 21, 2024, 10:39:21 AM »
Plus Sir John, us old farts care not a threat  ;)
Entertainment Media / Re: Homestead (film)
« Last post by Sir John Honeybucket on December 21, 2024, 10:33:37 AM »
If we in the United State have a war, significant world without law event & etc. my assumption is that I will 99% listen for raw information to process into intelligence, and only transmit on very rare occasion, and that from from locations not tied to me.  Move, send priority massage traffic and scoot before I have to shoot. These days I am slow and not agile at all, running an E&E course is out of the question for me. On the other hand, there are times when being sneaky outweigh being lythe and quick on your feet, though being BOTH is ideal.

73 de Sir John Honeybucket
Entertainment Media / Re: Homestead (film)
« Last post by Felix on December 20, 2024, 07:16:47 PM »
Thank you, Jackalope.   Without specificity, I take it that HAMS are (in some number?) prepared to establish antennae which are somewhat effective if even not quite as good as the home set.    And that they understand these are possibly sacrificial, one (or perhaps only a few) times useful before triangulation and seizure?    Hmmmm... honey traps for ambush organized by locals who would like to punch above their weight by taking out trained radio interdiction teams?
Just reviewed "A Failure Of Civility" and in truth, honesty simply demands one contemplate these things.   Now and then if not often.
The next month is pregnant with dystopian possibilities... and then, we can "relax"?    Yes.   Fools can.   Just as they can catch a bit of shut-eye when it's their turn at guard duty.
Library / Re: Review "Doomsday Reef" by Matt Bracken
« Last post by JohnyMac on December 20, 2024, 06:50:44 PM »
 :cheers: great comments Sir John. Thanks for your review and comments.

Funny story: I was bringing a Santa Cruz 40 sailboat back from Hawaii to Santa Cruz, CA. It was post the WM PAC Cup Race I think. Anyway, I did 95% of the trip using a sextant and time piece (Citizen Dive) that I too wear today. The last 5% was because we were close to our destination and I could not get a clean shot.

We had a HF radio on board and checked into a Ship to shore station using an account about every other day. I will say though, we used the on board VHF a lot chatting with cargo ships going west or east. I use to call them up within sight to get weather info.

Again, if you have been a blue water sailor or want to become one, it is a good book. Not "Riddle of the Sands" by Erskine Childers mind you but a fun read anyhow. Childers was a notorious gun runner for the IRA during the Irish rebellion although he was not executed for that but for carrying (I think) a handgun in November 1922.

Thanks again Sir John for your comments.  :thumbsUp: :cheers:
Library / Re: Review "Doomsday Reef" by Matt Bracken
« Last post by Sir John Honeybucket on December 20, 2024, 02:40:37 PM »
Rebel Yell - schooner.

OTOH, I loved the novel, wished it had MORE sea time and for the same reason as you & Mrs. Mac.  Unlike most Hollywood productions, Bracken gets the background of a sailing vessel and it's utility during a global grid down. Being a sailor, he got the sailing details right. My only significant complaint is the incorrect understanding of radio, seemingly based entirely on VHF/UHF  simplex & repeaters and etc.  So Much is lost by not writing HF radio communication - normal aboard a blue water boat - into the book.  I REALLY appreciated his quest for an accurate  time hack for celestial navigation after the general failure and unreliableness of the GPS system - post event. and the Citizen, solar powered chronometer is the same model that happens to still be on my wrist even today.  That and my WW II, US Navy aircraft sextant are still in my posession: At the very least, I can do noon sites to find the appropriate continent before sailing into it during the night watch..  ha ha

I never had a Dshka 12.7 mm belt fed machinegun on the stern rail of our Bayfield 32c, but am open to suggestions...  The tactical, back and forth is generally dull for me, as it's basically the same - we move - they move - and etc. until one side can't fight anymore.  Yes, that's accurate but does not hold my interest - YMMV.

The Red Cliffs of Zerhoun and simply EXCELLENT! 

Library / Review "Doomsday Reef" by Matt Bracken
« Last post by JohnyMac on December 20, 2024, 01:35:41 PM »
I really struggled writing a review of Matt Bracken's new book, "Doomsday Reef", a continuation of Captain Dan Kilmer's story aboard Rebel Yell, because the book was boring. It took me two weeks to finish because unlike most of Bracken's novels, I could put it down and do other things. I struggled because I know Bracken, have a great deal of respect for him, and writing a novel isn't easy. Heck, I have never done it.

Okay, here is a quick synopsis of the novel. The economy in the United States and around the globe collapsed ten years or so earlier. The 60-foot schooner, Rebel Yell was earning her keep by transporting goods up and down the southeast coast out of Beaufort, South Carolina. Due to environmental issues caused by volcanic eruptions the good captain wants to take his crew and boat to a warmer climate like Brazil. In short, the novel is the journey and the perils that they run across on the way to their destination.

I am a sailor. Lived on our sailboat Mad Max for eleven years with MrsMac and a grouchy dowager cat named Maxine. I delivered boats, both power and sail, to augment my pay while working for a chandlery in Marina del Rey, California. With that written, I loved the sailing or traveling part of the novel, however, I suspect that Bracken got too far into the weeds for the casual reader.

MrsMac read the novel before me and she really enjoyed reliving travel by sail. Minus the constant sail adjustment and occasional nasty weather of course. In the end she finished the book in a day and commented, "I enjoyed the Captain Dan from 'The Red Cliffs of Zerhoun' better than this new version though".  She has always been a fan of hero's like Dave Robicheaux of James Burke or Joe Pike of Robert Crais fame. Needless to say, edgy.

The novel wasn't at all just sailing from one point to another. There were a couple of action events that took place that were well written and believable, however there was only a few.

In the end, using a 1-5 scale with 5 being perfect, I would give "Doomsday Reef" a '4.5' for the sailing angle, a '2' for the action angle, and a '3' for laying the groundwork for another novel with Captain Dan being the hero on Rebel Yell.

Overall a solid '3'.

Hopefully, after reading this review Matt will not infiltrate the Mac redoubt one evening and "snipe me".  8)  :cheers:
News & Politics / Continuing Resolution 2.0
« Last post by JohnyMac on December 20, 2024, 11:48:25 AM »
Well it has been fun sitting back this week watching the CR fight on the hill.

First the 1,500 CR was an abortion and I am glad it went down in flames. YOU, the American Citizen shot this down with your emails and phone calls to congress. It did not happen because of the Democrat talking points of Elon Musk caused it to crash & burn.

In response Speaker Johnson introduced a 116-page CR yesterday and that too went down in flames. Why? This happened because of Representatives like Chip Roy and 37 other Republicans said, "no way Jose".

I can only assume that there will be a third attempt to a CR. When this happens, the CR needs to be broken down by category and voted on independently. I can see 4-5 separate CR bills hitting the floor of the House.

Last, we have a $36T National Debt. Sometime there needs to be a line in the sand cement and for our Representatives to stand firm at that line. Now is the time. 

U.S. National Debt Clock: Real Time

Stay tuned...

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