Author Topic: Yep, I did it again.  (Read 942 times)

Offline pkveazey

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Yep, I did it again.
« on: December 01, 2020, 04:42:22 PM »
I have bought six QYT 8900R tri-band radios. 2 Meters, 220, and 440. They cost about $80 and only puts out 25 watts on 2 meters and 220 but only puts out about 12 or 13 watts on 440. I have one in each vehicle with a 2 way switch. Position 1 is the 2meter/440 antenna and position 2 for the 220 antenna. The one in the house is used as a Base station with a 3 position switch. Position 1 is 2 meters, position 2 is 220, and position 3 is 440. What? What happened to the other 3? One of them gave up on me and only transmits 1 watt for some reason so its on the shelf and I plan to give it to someone who wants a receiver for the 3 bands. The other 2 are programmed and wrapped in Aluminum foil as backup radios. There is going to come a time in the near future when you aren't going to get or possibly afford any radios that can handle those frequencies. Yep, I also have a Backup HF radio. When things get bad they are going to get really bad. My 15 UV5R handi-talkies are also going to come in handy when it all goes bad. If you are considering a QYT KT8900R, they have the same issue that the UV5R has. People say that the front end of the UV5R's is no good. That's the exact opposite of the truth. The front ends are way to hot and they will pick up extraneous signals that most people like to call intermod. I just crank up the squelch until the scan feature stops stopping on those unwanted signals. Yea, I know, they could add more filtering to the front ends but then they wouldn't cost $80 anymore. Don't confuse the QYT KT8900D with the KT8900R because the KT8900D is only a dual band and it cost about $5 less. Say What? Yep $5 extra and you get the 220 band. If you look on AMAZON, make sure you search for KT8900R or it will not show up. I've been looking up previous orders and I just click on buy it again.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Yep, I did it again.
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2020, 11:51:14 AM »
Yupper, like ammo all Transceivers are going to start to creep up as supply wains. Think about this, most inexpensive radios come from China. At some point they will stop coming east. 
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