As usual, propagation will be a bit tough on Sunday March 8, 2020. Based on several reports I ran, 40-meters will be our best band to broadcast on as the primary with 80-meters being alternate. Net time will be 1700-hrs eastern.
It looks like all stations will be able to TX & RX on 40-meters (88% up to 95%) with the exception of Northern Florida. They probably will be able to RX but TXing will be tough as you will be at ~75% level. Sorry Cooter.
Looking at a different time 80-meters will be very good (+88%) for all at 1900-hrs eastern.
If I remember, I will listen on 40-meters tomorrow night around 1700-hrs and 80-meters at 1900-hrs to figure out what frequency would be best. No other nets around a quite piece of air. +/- .030 Mhz of any existing traffic. Our biggest issue in the past is Sunday. Sunday is a busy night and folks unintentionally splatter on us. You all can help determining the frequency too if you are around this Sunday evening. Post your frequency recommendations on this thread.
Attached is a doc with the information on propagation.
Pick a time for the net. I guess we could do two. Your thoughts???