Author Topic: Whatcha gonna do?  (Read 1319 times)

Offline pkveazey

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Whatcha gonna do?
« on: April 05, 2021, 04:25:44 PM »
As Preppers, we have to think about every possible bad scenario that might and/or might not occur. I have thought about what might happen if the interwhiz and radio communication is mandated to be shut down. You'd have to have some brass balls to continue using HF unless there is an all out Civil War. I'm thinking that VHF and UHF simplex might get you under the radar but low power,  short distance relays would have to be the order of the day. I did have one notion that may or may not work. There could be a particular time of day(maybe midnight EST) when every Ham would come on and use just about every frequency they could squeeze into and pass traffic. Those trying to monitor and pinpoint would be overwhelmed by the massive amount of traffic and it might just make locating a bit troublesome. They would need thousands of monitoring stations to monitor all the frequencies and locate the source of the signals. The one thing I know for sure that I wouldn't do is use hand written messages. I think using those miniature SD memory cards might be a good way to pass a massive amount of information but they would have to be physically carried from point A to point B. The good thing about the SD cards is they are super easy to destroy in about two seconds. Something else to remember is that a radio receiver can be detected when its turned on because the receiver actually transmits a very very very weak signal and a radio detection van can pick it up if its nearby. That's how the NAZI's found people who were listening to ordinary broadcast radios.

Offline Jackalope

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Re: Whatcha gonna do?
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2021, 08:49:41 PM »
   It's true that old regenerative receivers had a local oscillator which was detectable by sensitive receivers.  Even some modern radar detectors generate enough of a signal to be detected.  However, most modern receivers won't generate much of a signal that would be detectable more than a meter or two away.

    Folks need to think out of the radio box.  Radio should be just one tool in your tool chest.  Microwave signals or the use of lasers would make for hard to intercept point to point communications.  Dead drops with the use of encoded messages are another possibility. The use of couriers and direct face to face meetings would be another alternative.  Hamsats could be used discretely.   Field telephones can be point to point or wired to cover an area.  Mesh networks are a high-tech solution, which I don't encourage because the level of complexity involved.  Think simple, less chance for failure.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Whatcha gonna do?
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2021, 09:11:12 PM »
Good question PKv. Thank you Jackalope for some suggestions.

May I also suggest a fast digital code that uses OTP (One Time Pad) or a Brevity code. Fast, discrete, totally secret with one time use.

This question is not directed at anybody...

Why do we do a ERIN digital net once a week? Practice, practice, practice.  ;)
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Whatcha gonna do?
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2021, 12:16:18 AM »
As Johnny Mac pointed out, the digital thing is probably the most secure and rapid form of communication. Let's not forget that digital works just as well on VHF and UHF as it does on HF. The signal would be FM or FM narrow band but it would work just as well for about 20 miles out. Since the digital signal is audible, it just takes any transceiver that can hear the signal and send it to a computer. Then for transmit it just takes an audible signal from the computer to be sent through the mike by hand keying or use of VOX. Come to think of it, you could do digital on a CB radio. I think the biggest problem would be to disguise the antenna. A 1/4 wave spike for 2 meters or 440 could be made to look like a lightning rod. :cowboy:

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Whatcha gonna do?
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2021, 09:07:35 AM »
PKv, you are 100% correct. I use to chat with a gentleman that was about 22-miles away using digital (FLDIGI) on simplex and we where just using a omnidirectional antenna. You probably could double that with a directional antenna like a yagi.

Now if the SHTF happens and the electrical grid goes down, most repeaters will cease to function. Well, some do have backup generators but fuel could run out. Anyway, I digitally chat with a gentleman in NW NJ using a repeater located about half way between us. I use a yagi and he uses a omnidirectional antenna and QRP (5-watts). As the crow flies, we are about 90-miles apart. I too use low power, 10-watts. Again, use a OTP or Brevity code.

A few up here have a preplanned SOI if the interwize goes down using VHF and in some cases UHF. Brevity code and multiple OTP codes are already setup.

Now before someone chimes in here that codes are illegal to use on the air waves - You are correct! During a interwize SHTF situation, I doubt the five people in the FCC office down in D.C. will be RDFing you because you are using a code. 
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Offline Felix

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Re: Whatcha gonna do?
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2021, 10:48:17 AM »
Field telephones.   I had one in my bedroom closet connecting to a friend's three houses (and a 90 corner) away.    Turn the hand crank to "ring them up" and then D-cell batteries would carry the conversation.  We laid the wire along back property borders with minimal covering - nature had taken care of "hiding it" within a year.  A small hole drilled down from closet corner into the crawl space kept everything neat and out of the way.  This, over 55 years ago.   :-)
PS - I have no idea if any of that wire still rests discreetly where it was placed by kids in the way back.  :-)

Offline grizz

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Re: Whatcha gonna do?
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2021, 11:37:07 AM »
I realize now that there are so many things going on within this Country and there is no way to prep for all of them so I just sit and wait. I dont have anyone to communicate with so comms aren't an issue. I'm doing my best to live my life by looking at starting a business, fishing, canning, hiking, camping and doing all the things I enjoy. I'm tired of living in fear, I cut 99% of news out of my life and spend as much time outside as possible
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