Author Topic: UPDATE November 1, 2023 - For When The Interwize Goes Dark  (Read 1901 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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UPDATE November 1, 2023 - For When The Interwize Goes Dark
« on: November 01, 2023, 10:56:25 AM »
The electric goes out here at the redoubt often. This past August it went out yet again. Here were my actions, comments and actions.

The call of nature came so I rolled out of bed. On my way to the head I noticed that the red light on our hall fire alarm was out.

Tapped my kidney and wandered into the great room and the ceiling fan had stopped.

My :tinfoil: took over because of the time we went dark, 0500E Hrs. We have never lost power at this time in the morning and with all the shenanigan's that are going on in D.C. and around the globe, I got a bit nervous.

I then checked my cell phone and it was working. "OK, no EMP" I said to myself.

Sent a text to a like minded neighbor asking if he had juice. He replied, "No."

Then I went and grabbed a HT and dialed in the radio station we listen to each morning. It was working. Cool, it was just us without electricity. Later, I found out that there was 52 homes without juice around my AO. With all the rain we have received lately, probably just another dead Ash tree that came down on one of the electrical feeder lines to our area.

I went back to bed and lay listening to our local radio station on the HT. I thought to myself that I had not updated the When The Interwize Goes Dark SOI in about a year. The first thing I did after a cup of coffee was in me, was to update it for this time of year. Find it attached in PDF format to this post. There will be another one coming out in April for spring/summer propagation.

PLEASE PRINT AND PUT SOMEWHERE SAFE. If you don't, you may not be able to bring it up without electrical power or the interwize.

Please note a change in the attached SOI. In the past the EMERGENCY part of the PACE was text. I am changing that to Signal.

Signal is an encrypted app that uses what ever means of communication is available, internet or cell, to send text type messages. The body of the message sent/received is encrypted. The only thing that is open sourced is the sent by/received by individual. Text is totally open sourced; sent by/received by and body of message. Also, text only uses cell towers and may be delayed between different carriers, e.g. Verizon Vs. AT&T.

Here is the process,

1) Down load the Signal app for your OS to your phone. It is free.
2) Send to me your cell phone number via PM here at UP.
3) I will then send you an invitation via Signal. Once you receive the invitation, just accept it.
4) There you go. You will be part of the ERIN Signal Group. The avatar for the group will look like this,

Last on this subject, even though you may have shared with me in the past your cell phone number, please PM me again your number. Thank you.

So there you go...

73 & God Bless,
« Last Edit: November 01, 2023, 11:03:30 AM by JohnyMac »
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