Amazon was Johnny on the spot. The QYT TriBand radio showed up on the same day my Geiger Counter showed up. I programmed it for 2 Meters, 220, and 440, and installed it in the car. So far, I'm happy with it. I have a TYT 2 Meter in the SUV and a QYT TriBand in the SUV. I've decided to just run the new QYT TriBand in the car. I have a Baofeng dual band handitalkie in the car but its just junking up the console so its got to go. The QYT's run about 25 to 30 watts on 2 Meters, about 20 to 25 watts on 220, and 10 to 15 watts on 440. My rationale for running triband radios is based on Prepping and I figure the more frequencies that I can have transceive access to, the better. If you order the QYT TriBand, you have to be careful to not order the 2 Meter, 300, 440 model. I don't know if I was just careful or lucky but all three of mine came with the proper bands. The last one said 240 to 270 on the box but when I went into Settings in Chirp it showed 220 to 270 and accepted the frequencies with no problem. I think they're a pretty good deal for $85. Part of my decision to buy it was way back when I became a Ham, the most powerful 2 Meter radio you could buy was 25 watts and they worked pretty much the same as the 50 to 75 watter's of today.