Author Topic: TYT 9000D radios  (Read 805 times)

Offline pkveazey

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TYT 9000D radios
« on: July 12, 2021, 05:15:04 AM »
Warning: The TYT 9000D 2 meter, 220, and 440 radios all are built the same. I have ruined 4 of them the same way. If the radio is turned on and for any reason the power drops out, that radio is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD. There is a fix for the problem but you better be really good at working on really small components. I didn't throw mine away because one day I might get the gumption to completely remove the circuit board and install a jumper across the offending component. If you own one of these radios, make sure you TURN it OFF before removing power to it. I had the lights in my house BLINK off and back on and it took out my 2 meter TYT 9000D, my 220 TYT 9000D, and my 440 TYT 9000D. I even lost one in the car because I forgot to turn the radio of and the car battery went dead. All happened a while back and I'm just getting around to bringing it everybody's attention. If you have one and the brains get scrambled, don't junk it because it actually can be fixed.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2021, 05:32:30 AM by pkveazey »

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: TYT 9000D radios
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2021, 08:27:54 AM »
Add to that warning, even though you may turn off the radio, it draws power.

I have one in my F150, and always disconnect the power cable when I shut truck off.

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Offline Jackalope

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Re: TYT 9000D radios
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2021, 02:05:45 PM »
    I guess Chinese "crap" has its place.  If your life is going to be dependent upon your communications gear, buy equipment that you can depend on.  With that said, I do indeed have some TYT gear, but it's certainly not my primary, nor my secondary gear.  TYT, Baofeng, and other Chinese manufactured radio equipment should be considered as disposable.   As the old saying goes, "Buy once, cry once."


Offline pkveazey

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Re: TYT 9000D radios
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2021, 05:31:55 PM »
I still have one working 2 meter TYT 9000D in the Expedition but I'm real careful to always turn it off before shutting the engine down. I decided to go with Tri-Banders so now I run a bunch of QYT 25 watt Tri-Banders and they don't seem to mind what you do. I have about 5 of them and only one of them has crapped out on me. For some reason the power output on that one has dwindled down to just 1 watt. When the SHTF I'll pass it along to someone to use as a Tri-Band scanner. I've been really lucky with the BaoFeng UV5R Handi-Talkies. I've got about a dozen of them and haven't had any of them crap out on me. About 5 of them are the 8 watters.