Author Topic: TX issue across all USB problem ...  (Read 862 times)

Offline mfitzy111

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TX issue across all USB problem ...
« on: February 28, 2023, 07:46:46 PM »
ok all - I'm going to take a swing at voicing a problem with my old 2012 Toshiba Toughbook - I've got a USB hub behind it. USB laser printer/mouse...and a TNCX running APRSIS on com4 FTM400- a Kentronic TNC KPC+ on Com 22 (created via their software -COM32 enhanced/and COM31) for packet station, and I had before hooking up the KPC+ a Yaesu SCU-17 hooked to a FT 450D HF rig...I've run FLdigi before but something new started happening recently...when I open FLdigi and TX ...both my other two radios light up and TX also...btw Both packet and APRS radios are running ok right now, so I'm not sure I want to pull them- and both are effected by the HF rig stuff.

anyhow- I'm considering taking another laptop and just using it for HF digital comms...$$$ is an issue, and I have an old Ubuntu rig, but I don't know if I ever looked in to SCU-17 /Fldigi on end goal was to condense everything and run things with the least amount of power, so I might have to talk to someone I know about a small form factor rig...idk. always something funny going on.

any ideas welcome. btw is there a way to turn on getting emails for these topics, so I can see when someone posts?
