Author Topic: Susquehanna Weather Advisory Group Snow Event Check-In SOI March 14/15, 2023  (Read 1191 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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NOAA Binghamton, NY (NOAA-BMG) is reporting that a snow event will arrive later today, Monday March 13, 2023 and intensify over night. The main focus of the storm will be Tuesday/ Wednesday March 14/15, 2023, till 1200E hrs. Wednesday. Estimated snow accumulation is 10-12" west of I-81 and south with a prediction of 12-18" east of I-81 and south depending on elevation in Susquehanna & Wayne County.

Add to the mix, there is a Nor'easter happening in New England at the same time as our snow event. If the Nor'easter stays in place longer in length, the above mentioned areas could receive an additional 12" of snow on the predicted amounts.

NOAA is also warning of gusty winds starting Tuesday mid day till mid day Wednesday which will cause travel impossible due to unpredictability of drifting snow. Due to the high concentration of dead Ash trees, power outages are very likely. 

I am requesting that all SWAG members give multiple reports. The first Tuesday morning at 0800E hrs. Then another report every four hours as listed below. I encourage all SWAG to have their transmitters on starting at 0700E hrs. Tuesday morning and continue till mid day Wednesday to monitor for emergency broadcasts.


Primary:        Montrose Repeater 147.375 Mhz, +.600 Mhz, PL 77.0 Hz *
Alternate:      Binghamton, NY airport repeater 146.865 Mhz, -.600 Mhz, PL 146.2 Hz/                       
                     linked repeater for western Broome & Susquehanna County 146.820, -.600 Mhz, PL 146.2 Hz                                               
Contingency:  HF Radio, 3.964 Mhz LSB or higher till clean air
Emergency:   Signal **


   Tuesday March 14, 2023 (All times in eastern, using the format from below)
      > Monitor Primary starts at 0700 hrs. in case of emergency or further developments.
      > 0800 hrs. SWAG (Susquehanna Weather Advisory Group) check-in on Primary,
      > 0830 hrs. SWAG check-in on Contingency (Monitor SWR before TXing due to possible ice
          buildup on antenna)

      > Continued monitor primary, 0700 hrs. in case of emergency or further developments.
      > 1200 hrs. SWAG (Susquehanna Weather Advisory Group) check-in on Primary,
      > 1230 hrs. SWAG check-in on Contingency (Monitor SWR before TXing due to possible ice
          buildup on antenna)

      > Continued monitor primary, 0700 hrs. in case of emergency or further developments.
      > 1600 hrs. SWAG (Susquehanna Weather Advisory Group) check-in on Primary,
      > 1630 hrs. SWAG check-in on Contingency (Monitor SWR before TXing due to possible ice
          buildup on antenna)

      > Continued monitor primary, 0700 hrs. in case of emergency or further developments.
      > 2000 hrs. SWAG (Susquehanna Weather Advisory Group) check-in on Primary,
      > 2030 hrs. SWAG check-in on Contingency (Monitor SWR before TXing due to possible ice
          buildup on antenna)

   Wednesday March 15, 2023 (All times eastern, using the format from below)
      > Continue to monitor Primary for emergencies and information until further notice hrs.
      > 0800 hrs. SWAG check-in on Primary, using the format from below
      > 0830 hrs. SWAG check-in on Contingency (Monitor SWR before TXing due to possible ice
         buildup on antenna)

      > Continue to monitor Primary for emergencies and information until further notice hrs.
      > 1200 hrs. SWAG check-in on Primary, using the format from below
      > 1230 hrs. SWAG check-in on Contingency (Monitor SWR before TXing due to possible ice
         buildup on antenna)

      > Additional times may be warranted. We will make that decision Wednesday. 
 Check-in Format:

   > NCS will ask for check-ins. Respond with your call, name, location, and if you have any
      emergency traffic.
   > NCS will collect check-in's and once completed, the NCS will call each check-in independently in
      order of check In for their report.
   > With reports, please include the following,
      - General situation, (Doing good, no electricity, etc.)
      - Snow/precipitation amounts if any
      - Temperature
      - Wind direction and if possible mph (Steady & Gusts)
      - Elevation,
      - Any general traffic


If you have any questions, please ask them using SIGNAL.

*   Elk Mountain repeater still nonfunctioning. Yes, I do understand we will only be able to cover
     half Susquehanna and Broome County. Hence the Contingency

** If you want to receive announcements via Signal,

      1) Download the Signal app from your Apply or Android store to your smart phone,

      2) Text or email me your cell phone number, then

      3) Accept my invite. You then

73 & God Bless,
« Last Edit: March 13, 2023, 04:28:25 PM by JohnyMac »
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