Author Topic: SKYWARN/NOAA/Ameature Radio  (Read 949 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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SKYWARN/NOAA/Ameature Radio
« on: January 13, 2018, 01:37:20 PM »
I put this post here as it involves ham radio.

I don't know how I got connected with NOAA and the SKYWARN team out of Binghamton, NY but alas I am.

In essence it is a group of hams that are certified spotters and emergency eyes and ears to the powers to be in Binghamton NOAA office.

Well with the sub zero temps followed by the nice 60 degree days, the ice on the Susquehanna river (Originates in Cooperstown NY and drains into the Chesapeake) was breaking up and potentially causing flooding conditions along the river in PA and southern NY. So I was assigned three locations along the river to watch developments on the ice breakup. Windsor, NY, Conklin, NY and Stillwater NY all three based on history to be a clogging location.

The assignment was simple, put eyes on these three locations several times a day and report back to NOAA in Binghamton what I/the spotter sees. Ham radio communication not cell phones or emails was the communication methods.

Ham radios (2 meter to be precise) were used rather than more modern methods because this is a tried and true method of communicating. As the folks in this past falls Hurricanes found out.  :dance:

The group does all things that involve weather.  ;D

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