PK, thank you for that explanation, that makes perfect sense to me.
I'm using my FT-891 in its stock form. So, without filters, I get what I get. Having said that, I have a lot to learn about the 891 and everything concerning amateur radio.
Do any of you have any suggestions regarding a headset for the FT891? I noticed last Tuesday, that I tend to have the volume turned up.When I'm set up as a portable unit, I would prefer not to leave any noise signature in my environment. Is there a particular type of headset for the budget
conscious prepper, or will any headset or earbuds do?
After the net wound down, I was getting such good signal that I turned the dial enough to reach Nebraska, Texas, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Illinois... There may have been others but I can't remember. Is it customary for people to talk at length about random topics? There were 2 gentlemen talking about vinyl versus digital audio. I was tuning up-and-down the bands and these guys had to have been talking for over an hour.
Those are my comments/questions,