Author Topic: RTO Adavance Class With Brushbeater  (Read 1922 times)

Offline Kbop

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Re: RTO Adavance Class With Brushbeater
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2018, 09:49:28 AM »
I am currently deployed as a security contractor in a foreign country and have roaming enabled.

But the phone was bought here (actually  a buddy gifted it since the screen was cracked and I had that fixed)
and uses a local SIM card.

So I dont know if being "local" that will help it avoid excessive roaming.

When its stationary next to the bed it holds charge pretty good.

i've done a bit of traveling - i have a bunch-o sim cards. 
two things to consider.
local sims are a good way to avoid roaming charges - smart.  Most airports or train stations or even the news stand near them, usually sell sim cards on the local network at a 'tourist' markup.  i still get them there, its convenient.  great for local coms.

the other one - when you phone authenticates through the local AuC or HAL your encryption key now goes through their system.  This metadata can be persistent.  Just assume that any activity on that phone during that time will be open to inspection by the owners of that encryption system - usually the local government, or baddies.

be careful - don't accept long distance calls when using the local sim - or you'll pay their pay structure for the call - just know which is best for you.   be careful when you get back home - if you still have the foreign sim in your phone, you'll be roaming in your own backyard. 

it is not uncommon for people who travel a lot to use phones or tablets with multiple sim carriers installed, i do.

I don't know if this will work for you - but i try and get an unlimited data sim and make all my out of country contacts via skype, facetime, GTM, hangout, etc.  no charges at all - other than the initial cost of the sim - most expire in a month after your first put it into your phone.

there is some mixing and matching of transmission formats and phone capabilities - that can be figured out on chat boards, or trial and error.