Author Topic: My Antenna Won't Work!  (Read 1471 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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My Antenna Won't Work!
« on: August 18, 2022, 10:33:12 AM »
As written previously, Patriotman was up to the redoubt last week and we played with his new Xiego G90 transceiver. Once he got home he hooked it up to his G5RV inverted "V" antenna. Well he could get out but his RX/TX was around 4/8. His signal was very weak. Readable but weak.

He immediately thought his antenna was at fault as we knew his radio worked great up at the redoubt. I suggested that before he threw his antenna under the bus to check the connection of the coax between his antenna and the coax. Well he checked it out and sure enough the connection was very corroded.

Last night MrsMac and I was at one of the ham clubs we belong too. I was chatting with a ham who was a retired Navy Signals guy and I told him about Patriotsman experience. He asked me a few questions like,

> Length of run of the coax,
> Where does my friend live in relation to the ocean,
> Type of antenna,
> Whether the connection was sealed via self-amalgamating tape,
> Etc.

His comments were,

- Coax connections in the weather always corrode over time.
- Coax connections in the weather close to the ocean always corrode faster than inland.
- Make sure your friend takes a rat-tail file (Use a chainsaw sharpening file) just a hair larger than the antenna
   connection and make sure you clean up the female connection for the male portion of the PL 259 coax
   connection. Then clean it out as best you can with a pipe cleaner.
- On a low humidity day,
   * Apply a small amount dielectric grease to both fittings,
   * Heat for both fittings for 5-minutes or so with a hair dryer to help drive out any last bit of moisture,
   * Make the connection and wrap with the self-amalgamating tape.
- Last, if possible, keep the connection off the ground.

I am posting this here so others might learn from this experience.

What other suggestions do "you" have?
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Offline patriotman

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Re: My Antenna Won't Work!
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2022, 10:46:16 AM »
This is fantastic advice, and I will be doing this as soon as my new coax and dielectric grease comes in.

One question I had was whether it is possible to either rehabilitate this connector or cut the line and add a new connect on it. Thoughts, anyone?
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Online Jackalope

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Re: My Antenna Won't Work!
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2022, 10:55:46 AM »
   Personally, I'd put a new connector on it, if you want to eliminate a possible point of failure.

   Di-electric grease is very useful for antenna connections.  It's also good for assembling antennas, especially beam antennas. 

   Coax seal is good stuff and when properly applied, it will keep connections dry for years.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: My Antenna Won't Work!
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2022, 11:02:52 AM »
Me, I am cheap so I would cut and put a new PL 259 on. I would use the refurbished coax as a back-up. One is none and two is one.

Simple to do...

As a side note, for the most part, I do not use RG8Ux coax only RG8U. With that written, I did just order a 50-foot RG8Ux coax cable for my backpacking rig due to the lower weight.

On another note... :shitStorm: I have started to order RG213U rather than RG8U BUT it is pricy. Over time, I will be replacing my coax cables.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: My Antenna Won't Work!
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2022, 11:10:01 AM »
By the way folks you all owe me... Asking this question to a retired Navy Signals veteran, MrsMac and I had to hear about a half-dozen stories on how he saved "the crew'" of the, submarine, destroyer, etc. he served on, over his 25-years in the Navy, through his incredible radio knowledge.  :facepalm:  :lmfao:
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Offline FeedingFreedom

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Re: My Antenna Won't Work!
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2022, 01:52:28 PM »
By the way folks you all owe me... Asking this question to a retired Navy Signals veteran, MrsMac and I had to hear about a half-dozen stories on how he saved "the crew'" of the, submarine, destroyer, etc. he served on, over his 25-years in the Navy, through his incredible radio knowledge.  :facepalm:  :lmfao:

Thanks for taking one for the team!  :cheers:  :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

I'll get back on coax, I have to get to bed soon, taking my son back to school tomorrow and the War Department comes back from overseas on Tuesday, so I've been busy. I learned how to weatherproof coax so it would last 10+ years on top of Elk, since I started doing it that way, haven't had a single issue. I'll jump back in tomorrow or Sat. to detail it out.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: My Antenna Won't Work!
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2022, 10:01:02 AM »
Cool beans F2. Thx
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